US Taxation: Barter Exchange of Gold & Silver | US International Tax Attorney Chicago Illinois
Hello and welcome to Sherayzen Video Blog. My name is Eugene Sherayzen and I’m an international tax attorney and owner of Sherayzen Law Office, Ltd.
Today, I’m continuing a series of blogs from Chicago, Illinois, United States. In a previous blog I discussed precious metals accounts and the FBAR and FATCA compliance requirements that apply to this type of an account and I promised that I would mention another aspect concerning income tax compliance with respect to precious metals.
I always keep my promises and I want to talk to you about a very interesting question: Does the change of gold for silver trigger income tax compliance requirements? Let’s say you have one bar of gold and you’ve exchanged it for an equivalent amount of silver bars. A barter exchange of gold to silver or gold to platinum or silver to platinum or silver to gold, it doesn’t really matter, is a taxable event. You will have to recognize income on the sale in essence of your gold bar. Let’s say that you bought gold and let’s say it was $1200 an ounce; you were very lucky. Now you’ve exchanged it for silver and the price for gold today is say $1850 an ounce which is not that far from the literal price as of today. While that exchange will trigger a gain between today’s price of gold and the $1200 an ounce cost-basis if you had in that gold.
Thank you for watching, until the next time.