Entries by Manager

Omaha FBAR Attorney | OVDP IRS International Tax Lawyer

As the headquarters of Berkshire Hathaway, Omaha (Nebraska) draws a large number of foreign-born professionals. A high percentage of these professionals still have foreign accounts overseas and they are in great needs of assistance from an Omaha FBAR attorney. Oftentimes, they cannot find an attorney they like in Omaha (especially, since this is not a […]

Secret Bank Accounts in Israel and Switzerland Result in a Guilty Plea

The earlier IRS and DOJ (U.S. Department of Justice) investigations of secret bank accounts in Israel and Switzerland continue to produce new guilty pleas. On September 28, 2016, Mr. Markus Hager, a New York City resident, pleaded guilty to tax evasion for the tax years 2003-2005 and 2007-2010 with respect to his secret bank accounts […]

Streamlined Disclosure Attorney Minneapolis | FATCA OVDP Lawyer

Streamlined Disclosure Attorney Minneapolis is becoming a common search for an individual who is looking for professional help in Minneapolis with his streamlined voluntary disclosure of undeclared foreign assets and foreign income. Let’s analyze this search term – Streamlined Disclosure Attorney Minneapolis – to understand what kind of an attorney fits into this search. Streamlined […]