Entries by Manager

Streamlined Domestic Offshore Procedures: Eligibility Requirements

One of the most significant changes introduced by the 2014 update to the voluntary disclosure structure is the unprecedented introduction of the streamlined voluntary disclosure option to the U.S. taxpayers who reside in the United States – the so called, Streamlined Domestic Offshore Procedures. The introduction of the Streamlined Domestic Offshore Procedures means that the […]

Non-Residency Requirement of the Streamlined Foreign Offshore Procedures

One of the key issues facing U.S. taxpayers who wish to use the Streamlined Foreign Offshore Procedures is meeting the non-residency requirement. If the non-residency requirement is not met (and assuming the regular delinquent FBAR submission procedure is not applicable), the U.S. taxpayer faces the less pleasant choice of either following the Streamlined Domestic Offshore […]

2014 OVDP Lawyers: August 4 2014 Deadline and New 50% OVDP Penalty

2014 OVDP Lawyers identified August 4, 2014, as an important filing deadline to any U.S. taxpayers who intend to enter into the IRS Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program (“OVDP”). This new deadline stems directly from the recent 2014 update to the OVDP. In this article, I want to briefly describe the deadline and its background, and […]