Entries by Manager

Form 8960 and the Net Investment Income Tax

The new Net Investment Income Tax imposed by Internal Revenue Code Section 1411 went into effect on January 1, 2013 for income tax returns of individuals, estates and trusts, beginning with their first taxable year starting on (or after) January 1, 2013. The Net Investment Income Tax applies at a rate of 3.8% on certain […]

Student Loan Interest Deduction and 2014 Phase-outs

With the costs of higher education increasing each year, the deductibility of interest paid on student loans is an important tax topic for many younger individuals. However, taxpayers are sometimes surprised to learn that there is a phase-out for various applicable income levels for this deduction, and above certain income levels, the deduction is completely […]

Form 5472 Basics

Form 5472 (“Information Return of a 25% Foreign-Owned U.S. Corporation or a Foreign Corporation Engaged in a U.S. Trade or Business”) occupies a place of special importance for an international tax attorney. The chief reason is because, unlike most other international tax forms familiar to an international corporate tax attorney, Form 5472 deals with corporate […]

International Tax Planning Lawyers: Importance of Business Purpose Doctrine

It is surprising how often international tax planning lawyers ignore the importance of business purpose doctrine to international tax planning. It seems that a lot of U.S. accountants and, to a smaller degree, attorneys have been limited to the parochial view of the application of the doctrine within the borders of the United States, whereas […]