Entries by Manager

San Francisco FBAR Attorney | International Tax Lawyer California

If you have foreign financial accounts and reside in San Francisco (California), you should be looking for a San Francisco FBAR Attorney in California. In your search, you could consider out-of-state attorneys such as Mr. Eugene Sherayzen of Sherayzen Law Office, Ltd. (“Sherayzen Law Office”). Let’s explore in more detail why this is the case. […]

International Tax Planning Priorities for US Corporations

Sometimes, I encounter in my practice one particularly damaging belief concerning international tax planning for US corporations that engage in cross-border transactions and maintain a foreign subsidiary or a network of foreign subsidiaries. This is a belief that international tax planning for such corporations should only focus on the reduction of its US taxes above […]

Foreign Partnership Definition | International Business Tax Lawyers

Defining a partnership as “foreign” or “domestic” can be highly important for US tax purposes. In this article, I will explain the foreign partnership definition and explain its significance. Foreign Partnership Definition: Importance There may be important US international tax law consequences that stem from whether a partnership is classified as “foreign” or “domestic”. These […]