Secret Bank Accounts in Israel and Switzerland Result in a Guilty Plea

The earlier IRS and DOJ (U.S. Department of Justice) investigations of secret bank accounts in Israel and Switzerland continue to produce new guilty pleas. On September 28, 2016, Mr. Markus Hager, a New York City resident, pleaded guilty to tax evasion for the tax years 2003-2005 and 2007-2010 with respect to his secret bank accounts in Israel and Switzerland.

Facts of the Case: Secret Bank Accounts in Israel and Switzerland

The facts of the Hager case are somewhat typical, but contain an exhilarating story of Mr. Hager’s attempts to conceal his ownership of the account – the fact that the IRS and the DOJ were able to uncover the entire history of these transfers of his funds under different names is impressive.

According to information presented in court, between 1987 through 2011, Mr. Hager utilized various secret bank accounts in Israel and Switzerland to hide his foreign funds and foreign income from the IRS. In order to do it, he opened a sham BVI (British Virgin Islands) entity which owned three accounts (two of them were numbered accounts) at UBS. It appears that, until 2008, Mr. Hager also owned some of his UBS accounts personally. By the end of 2004, the value of his undeclared UBS accounts exceeded $7.3 million.

With the IRS victory over UBS in 2008, Mr. Hager closed his UBS accounts and transferred all of his assets to a new opened account at Clariden Leu (which was already controlled at that time mostly by Credit Suisse; in 2012, the bank was integrated into the Credit Suisse corporate structure); the account was held in the name of his BVI entity.

Shortly thereafter, Mr. Hager closed the account at Clariden Leu and transferred the assets to a newly opened account held in the name of the BVI entity at a different Swiss bank. Mr. Hager caused that Swiss bank to falsely record Hager’s Belgian cousin as the owner of the assets on the account. Approximately six months later, he closed this account at the Swiss bank and transferred the assets to an account at a bank in Israel that Mr. Hager caused to be opened in the name of yet another Belgian cousin.

Between 2005 to 2011, Hager also controlled an undeclared bank account at Bank Leumi in Israel, which he falsely held under the name of a relative who was not a U.S. person and who resided outside the United States. In February of 2010, after obtaining an Israeli Identity Card, Hager opened an account in his own name at Bank Leumi in Israel but falsely reported that he lived in the United Kingdom and signed a document, under the penalty of perjury, declaring that he was not a U.S. citizen.

According to the information filed, Mr. Hager repatriated some of the funds from his secret bank accounts in Israel and Switzerland by having his attorney draft a sham loan agreement between himself and the BVI entity. The funds were wired from some of his undeclared bank accounts in Israel and Switzerland into the attorney’s escrow account.

During the relevant years, Mr. Hager filed false federal and New York State income tax returns on which he failed to report the income from his bank accounts in Israel and Switzerland and failed to pay tax on that income. It appears that Mr. Hager evaded approximately $652,580 in federal taxes for tax years 2003 through 2005 and 2007 through 2010. Hager also failed to file his FBAR even though an accounting firm had informed Hager of his obligation to do so and advised him of the civil and criminal penalties he could suffer for the failure to do so.

Sentencing for Failure to Disclose Assets and Income from Secret Bank Accounts in Israel and Switzerland

Sentencing has been set for January 4, 2017. Hager faces a statutory maximum sentence of five years in prison, as well as a term of supervised release and monetary penalties. According to the plea agreement, Hager agreed to pay restitution to the IRS. It is not clear if the FBAR penalty has been resolved by the plea.

Secret Bank Accounts in Israel and Switzerland: Lessons from the Hager Case

The Hager Case contains a full range of facts that lead to a criminal prosecution by the DOJ: the use of a sham foreign corporation in a tax shelter, the conscious and intentional effort to conceal the ownership of the funds by closing and opening bank accounts under different names, the failure to report the ownership of secret bank accounts in Israel and Switzerland even after Mr. Hager was advised by his accounting firms about the existence of the FBAR and its penalties, the failure to report the income from accounts, the filing of false tax returns and the repatriation of funds through a sham loan agreement and using his attorney’s escrow account. All of these items are a checklist of things that one should not do in order to avoid a DOJ criminal prosecution.

One interesting aspect of this case is the number of years for which Mr. Hager was charged with tax evasion. Apparently his especially egregious conduct had earned a total of seven years instead of the usual five years of counts of tax evasion. It is also interesting that the year 2006 was skipped in the plea; it is not clear from the plea why this was the case. My supposition is that the omission of the tax year 2006 was related to the statute of limitations concerns.

Contact Sherayzen Law Office for Professional Help with Disclosure of Your Bank accounts in Israel and Switzerland

If you have undisclosed bank account in Israel, Switzerland or any other country, please contact Sherayzen Law Office, Ltd. for help as soon as possible. Attorney Eugene Sherayzen and his highly-knowledgeable team of tax professionals have helped hundreds of U.S. taxpayers around the world to bring their tax affairs into compliance. You can also benefit from their knowledge, experience, creativity and devotion to their clients’ cases by scheduling a Confidential Consultation today!

New York Foreign Trust Tax Lawyer | FATCA IRS Attorney

The residents of New York who are beneficiaries or owners of a foreign trust are likely to find themselves facing a difficult legal situation and various US tax complications. Failure to properly identify and comply with their tax obligations may result in imposition of severe penalties. This is why they need the help of a New York Foreign Trust Tax Lawyer to safely navigate through the numerous tax minefields of US international tax law. In this brief essay, I will explain who is considered to be a New York Foreign Trust Tax Lawyer and why Sherayzen Law Office should be your preferred choice.

New York Foreign Trust Tax Lawyer Definition: Legal Foreign Trust Services Provided in New York

While New York is one of the few states where there is some state component with respect to foreign trusts (though, more indirect), the main focus is still on the federal law and federal tax forms. This means that any international tax lawyer who is licensed to practice in any state of the United states can offer his foreign trust tax services in New York – i.e. the physical presence in New York is not necessary.

Armed with this understanding, we can now turn to the definition of a New York Foreign Trust Tax Lawyer. It obviously includes all of the New York international tax lawyers who reside in New York. However, the definition of a New York Foreign Trust Tax Lawyer is not limited to New York residents; rather, this concept also includes all international tax lawyers who offer their tax services with respect to foreign trust compliance in New York. This means that your lawyer can residence in Minneapolis and still be considered as a New York Foreign Trust Tax Lawyer.

New York Foreign Trust Tax Lawyer Must Be an International Tax Lawyer

In the previous paragraph, I stated “all international tax lawyers who offer their tax services”. This focus on international tax lawyers is not an accident, because the essential requirement for a New York Foreign Trust Tax Lawyer is that he should be an international tax lawyer.

This means that a foreign trust lawyer cannot be just any tax lawyer, but a lawyer who devotes the majority of his practice to US international tax law, who is highly knowledgeable of the international tax law issues directly and indirectly relevant to foreign trust compliance, and who has experience in this area. It is this competence criteria that should govern your selection of a New York Foreign Trust Tax Lawyer.

Sherayzen Law Office Can Be Your New York Foreign Trust Tax Lawyer

Sherayzen Law Office should undoubtedly be your best choice for a New York Foreign Trust Tax Lawyer. Sherayzen Law Office is an international tax law firm which developed a deep expertise in the issues of US international tax compliance, including foreign trusts. Its legal team, headed by Attorney Eugene Sherayzen, has extensive experience concerning all major relevant areas of US international tax law relevant to foreign trust compliance including Form 3520, Form 3520-A, foreign business ownership within a foreign trust, FBAR and FATCA compliance and other relevant requirements. We have helped numerous taxpayers with their foreign trust issues, including situations involving multiple trusts and multiple jurisdictions. We have also helped our clients defend against IRS attempts to make our clients owners of a foreign trusts where, in reality, they were simply beneficiaries.

This is why, if you are looking for a New York Foreign Trust Tax Lawyer, you should contact Sherayzen Law Office, Ltd. today to schedule Your Confidential Consultation!

Streamlined Disclosure Attorney Minneapolis | FATCA OVDP Lawyer

Streamlined Disclosure Attorney Minneapolis is becoming a common search for an individual who is looking for professional help in Minneapolis with his streamlined voluntary disclosure of undeclared foreign assets and foreign income. Let’s analyze this search term – Streamlined Disclosure Attorney Minneapolis – to understand what kind of an attorney fits into this search.

Streamlined Disclosure Attorney Minneapolis Search Covers SDOP and SFOP

First of all, Streamlined Disclosure Attorney Minneapolis search applies to attorneys who help clients with both SDOP (Streamlined Domestic Offshore Procedures) and SFOP (Streamlined Foreign Offshore Procedures). I already explored the both of these options in earlier articles.

Streamlined Disclosure Attorney Minneapolis Search Applies Only to International Tax Attorneys

Second, Streamlined Disclosure Attorney Minneapolis applies only to international tax attorneys. This is the case because both programs, SFOP and SDOP, form part of the IRS voluntary disclosure options which, in turn, form part of the much larger US international tax law practice. Thus, in order to be a Streamlined Disclosure Attorney in Minneapolis, the attorney must be first and foremost an international tax attorney.

What is the practical application of this conclusion? Simple and yet highly important – an attorney who offers SDOP and SFOP services must be knowledgeable in other areas of international tax law, because both of these voluntary disclosure options are highly dependent on the facts of the case and the interpretation of these facts in light of US international tax laws and regulations (including FATCA). Furthermore, SDOP and SFOP are directly concerned with various US international tax forms such as FBAR, Form 8938, Form 5471, Form 3520, Form 8621 and many others.

Hence, a search for Streamlined Disclosure Attorney Minneapolis can easily be replaced by a search for a broader category of International Tax Attorney Minneapolis.

Sherayzen Law Office is a top choice when you search for Streamlined Disclosure Attorney Minneapolis

Sherayzen Law Office Ltd. is an international tax law firm that specializes in all types of offshore voluntary disclosure, including SDOP and SFOP. Our professional tax team, headed by Mr. Eugene Sherayzen, is highly experienced in helping US clients around the globe with their US international tax issues, including voluntary disclosure of foreign accounts and other foreign assets. This why Sherayzen Law Office should be a top candidate when you search for Streamlined Disclosure Attorney Minneapolis.

Contact Us Today to Schedule Your Confidential Consultation!

Hapoalim Prepares for Settlement with DOJ | FATCA Tax Attorney

On October 6, 2016, Israeli bank Hapoalim Ltd. announced that, in order to cover the costs of a future settlement with the US Department of Justice (DOJ), it will add a $70 million charge to an existing $50 million provision in its third-quarter results. The expected settlement will cover Hapoalim’s role in helping US tax residents to evade their US tax obligations.

In its news release, Hapoalim stated that its representatives held an initial discussion with the DOJ on September 30, 2016, to discuss the future settlement. The bank did not indicate whether $120 million in charges that it booked to date is the actual amount that Hapoalim will pay under its settlement with the DOJ. Rather, the news release emphasizes the uncertainty that still exists with respect to the actual amount.

The issue of the DOJ investigation dates back to the year 2011. In its recent (June 30, 2016) financial statements Hapoalim confirmed that its Swiss subsidiary Bank Hapoalim (Switzerland) Ltd. had been notified by Swiss authorities in 2011 that it was being investigated by the US government as a result of the DOJ’s suspicions that the bank had assisted US clients in evading federal taxes. The Swiss subsidiary could not resolve this issue in 2013 in the DOJ’s Swiss Bank Program due to the fact that it could not be classified as a Category 2 bank.

It is important to remember that the DOJ is not the only institution that is going after Hapoalim. The State of New York is conducting its own review. In its news release, Hapoalim indicated that the $120 million charge is not related to the New York investigation.

While all of this legal uncertainty makes it difficult for Hapoalim to assess its future liability under any deferred prosecution agreement, one can compare its situation with Bank Leumi. In 2014, Bank Leumi Group entered into a Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the DOJ under which it paid $270 million ($157 million of this penalty was allocated to Bank Leumi’s Swiss accounts held by US taxpayers).

If we rely on this precedent, it appears that Hapoalim is greatly underestimating its penalty, because Bank Leumi and Hapoalim are fairly similar in size as well as their actions in soliciting US clients. One also must not forget about the possible future indictments of Hapoalim’s employees (at least in the United States) by the DOJ.