offshore voluntary disclosure lawyers Minneapolis

Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Lawyers: Eligibility for Program for Swiss Banks

As offshore voluntary disclosure lawyers know very well, Switzerland continues to be the center of the unprecedented IRS and US Department of Justice enforcement of U.S. international tax laws, including FATCA. In a recent article, I described a new initiative, The Program for Non-Prosecution Agreements or Non-Target Letters for Swiss Banks (the “Program”), which is essentially a voluntary disclosure program for Swiss banks. In the Program, eligible banks can avoid US criminal prosecution in exchange for detailed disclosure of the accounts owned by U.S. taxpayers (as well as, in some cases, payment of monetary penalties).

The issue is: what banks in Switzerland are eligible to participate in the program? The issue is not only relevant to the banks themselves, but also for U.S. accountholders in Switzerland how have and have had foreign financial accounts in Switzerland during any time between January 1, 2008 and the present time. The chief reason is because these are accounts are most likely to be disclosed as early as the first quarter of 2014, thereby very likely preventing these U.S. taxpayers from entering into the OVDP program since closed.

Swiss Banks Under Grand Jury Investigation Are Not Eligible

Swiss banks which are classified by the DOJ as Category 1 banks are not eligible to participate in the Program. Currently, there are at least fifteen banks which are included in this category. Most likely (thought not officially named by the DOJ) these banks are: Julius Baer Group AG, Credit Suisse, Rahn & Bodmer, Zuercher Kantonalbank, Basler Kantonalbank, Bank Hapoalim, Mizrahi-Tefahot Bank, Bank Leumi and others.

Types of Institutions Open to the Program

Many Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Lawyers pay close attention to the fact that the Program applies only custodial and depository financial institutions.

So, Swiss insurance companies, various fiduciaries, and many other investment companies cannot take advantage of the Program). It is not open to individuals; hence, asset managers, financial advisors and lawyers cannot participate in the program.

Impact on Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program in the United States

If you are the taxpayer with an undisclosed financial account in a Swiss Bank that is eligible to participate in the Program, you need to consider your voluntary disclosure options immediately. As many offshore voluntary disclosure lawyers will tell you, if the IRS receives the information from a Swiss bank participating in the Program before you disclosure your account and initiates an investigation against you, it is very likely that you will not be accepted into the Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program.

I expect that the letters sent out by the Swiss banks which intend to participate in the Program to their current and former U.S. customers will have a dramatic impact on the rising number of participants in the OVDP or OVDI. In fact, this trend can already be observed from the fact over 40,000 people have already participated in the IRS offshore voluntary disclosure programs.

Contact Sherayzen Law Office for Help with Your Undisclosed Swiss Bank Accounts

If you currently have undisclosed foreign accounts in Switzerland or you had such accounts at any point prior and after January 1, 2008, and closed these accounts, contact Sherayzen Law Office for help with your offshore voluntary disclosure options. Our experienced offshore voluntary disclosure tax firm will thoroughly review your case, estimate your existing tax and FBAR liability in the United States, identify the available voluntary disclosure options, prepare your voluntary disclosure package (including all legal documents and tax forms) and rigorously defend your interests during your negotiations with the IRS.

Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Attorney: Introduction to Program for Swiss Banks

Since the early 2000s, the IRS has engaged in a multi-layered effort to enforce U.S. tax laws overseas, in particular (at least from the perspective of an offshore voluntary disclosure attorney) curb tax evasion in Switzerland with the emphasis on undisclosed Swiss financial accounts (mainly FBAR compliance). In 2008, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) scored a major victory in the now-famous UBS case.

Since that case, DOJ has pursued a large number of criminal investigations against the U.S. accountholders, Swiss tax and financial advisors and, actually, Swiss banks. There has also been a tremendous surge in IRS civil audits and John Doe summons. Even the Whistleblower Office became engaged in the international tax compliance efforts. A number of new laws and treaties, stemming from FATCA, have been utilized by the U.S. government in its worldwide efforts to increase U.S. tax compliance internationally.

As the DOJ increased its pressure on the U.S. taxpayers who have undisclosed foreign accounts, the IRS created a number of voluntary disclosure programs, 2012 Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program (OVDP) being the latest example. As of September of 2013, it is estimated that about 40,000 U.S. taxpayers have voluntary participated in this program OVDP is now closed.

The Program – Voluntary Disclosure Program for Swiss Banks

On August 29, 2013, the DOJ announced a new, unprecedented initiative – The Program for Non-Prosecution Agreements or Non-Target Letters for Swiss Banks (Program) – which is intended to allow Swiss banks to bring themselves into compliance with DOJ requirements and avoid any US enforcement action in exchanged for detailed disclosures and, in some cases, the payment of monetary penalties.

In essence, this is a voluntary disclosure program. Unlike the OVDP, however, this is “OVDP” for foreign banks in a foreign country! This is a truly unique reach that the DOJ and IRS have achieved in a country which has been celebrated for centuries for its bank secrecy laws.

Outlines of Required Disclosure

Under the Program, the Swiss banks are required to turn over a vast amount of extensive and detailed information regarding its account holders, including providing the following information: description of how the banks structured, operated and supervised their cross-border activities; list of names and functions of all individuals who participated in any of this activity; description of how a bank marketed its services to U.S. persons and serviced their accounts; list the value of accounts greater than $50,000 during three separate periods; on an account by account basis, the highest value during the period beginning August 1, 2008; the number of persons affiliated with the account and their functions; whether the account was held in a structure (a foreign corporation, foundation, etc.); whether it held U.S. securities; the name and role of any outside advisor affiliated with the account; information about transfers of funds into or out of the account; and other detailed information (note: these are some of the disclosure requirements, but there are many more – contact offshore voluntary disclosure attorney Eugene Sherayzen at Sherayzen Law Office for more information).

In essence, with this information, the IRS and DOJ can freely pursue civil and criminal investigations of U.S. persons who have had undisclosed bank accounts since 2008 (and possibly earlier).

Consequences for Swiss Banks

The banks who participate in the Program can use the it to effectively close-out any potential U.S. compliance issues and prevent future criminal prosecution of the banks. The hope is that it will enable Swiss banks to put this issue behind them and enable them to develop a more attractive investment environment in the future.

Consequences for U.S. Accountholders

As any offshore voluntary disclosure attorney will tell you, the consequences for the U.S. accountholders with undisclosed accounts in Switzerland are infinitely more dire. Armed with such detailed information, the IRS should have no problems auditing and, ultimately, prosecuting U.S. taxpayers who are not compliant with U.S. tax laws.

Furthermore, those individuals who have engaged in quiet disclosure at any point since 2008 are under severe risk of exposure and potential prosecution. For example, if a U.S. taxpayer had an undisclosed account since 2004 and engaged in quiet disclosure in 2012, he may now potentially face an IRS audit for all years going back to 2007 (and potentially further).

Additionally, there is a great uncertainly for U.S. taxpayers with Swiss accounts who wish to enter the OVDP, because their accounts may have already been disclosed independently by Swiss banks to the IRS. In this case, the OVDP participation may be precluded.

Contact Sherayzen Law Office for Legal Help with Undisclosed Swiss Accounts

If you have undisclosed Swiss accounts at any point since 2005, contact Sherayzen Law Office for professional help. Our international tax law firm is highly experienced in the voluntary disclosures of foreign financial accounts and other offshore assets. We will thoroughly analyze your case, determine the available voluntary disclosure options for your offshore assets, and meticulously implement the chosen plan of action (including preparation of all legal documents and tax forms).

Accountants Beware: FBAR Disclosure is a Legal Matter

Paradoxically, one of the obstacles currently facing U.S. taxpayers who wish to file their delinquent FBARs and conduct a voluntary disclosure of their foreign assets are their own accountants – more precisely, the inability of many accountants to understand that FBAR disclosure is a legal matter to a much greater extent than an accounting matter.

Special Nature of the FBAR

FBAR is unlike any other information return issued by the IRS. While there are many reasons for it, I just want to point out the four most important considerations that make FBAR disclosures so radically different from other disclosures. First of all, FBAR is issued under the auspices of the Department of the Treasury, but only in the early 2000s was the enforcement of FBARs transferred to the IRS. This is why FBAR does not constitute a part of a taxpayer’s tax return and should be filed separately to a different address by June 30 of each calendar year. The importance of this distinction is that the FBAR is not a regular tax form involving tax calculations, but a legal disclosure form which the taxpayer uses to report his or her foreign financial accounts.

Second, failure to file the FBAR timely is likely to have tremendous consequences for the taxpayer. The civil penalties can be overwhelming, and there are significant criminal penalties associated with the FBAR.

Third, the FBAR penalty structure is complex and allows for many instances of mitigation and exceptions, depending on the taxpayer’s particular situation and ability of the taxpayer’s representative to recognize this situation. There are very important strategies that may be employed during FBAR disclosures to the benefit of the taxpayers.

Finally, the mode of the offshore assets disclosure (i.e. the official IRS voluntary disclosure program and its alternatives) is closely tied to other international tax issues that must be recognized by the taxpayer’s representative. It is rare for the FBAR issue to come alone; usually, the taxpayer would have other international tax issues such as foreign rental income, PFICs, foreign tax credit, foreign earned income exclusion, ownership of foreign business entities, foreign trusts, foreign gifts, foreign inheritance, et cetera. All of these factors must be carefully considered in assessing the existing FBAR penalties (see point three above) and what penalties the taxpayer is likely to face depending on the mode of the offshore assets disclosure.

Accountants Mistakenly Treat FBAR Disclosure as an Accounting Matter

Unfortunately, most accountants have not learned to distinguish the special nature of the FBARs and the enormous complications associated with offshore assets disclosure. There are many reasons for it. First, the great majority of the accountants are not trained to recognize the international tax issues and has very little, if any, familiarity with international tax issues. Therefore, they fail to understand the very special nature of the FBAR and they treat it as simply another form to fill-out, ignoring the legal nature of the disclosure.

Second, even the accountants who are more familiar with international tax obligations of US taxpayers still fail to recognize the fact that FBARs carry criminal penalties and the taxpayers must be adequately protected while discussing the FBAR matters with their representatives.

Third, many accountants are unaware or simply ignore the complexity of the offshore disclosure involving FBARs. This results in taking the simplest approach of herding their clients into the official IRS offshore voluntary disclosure program, often without adequate explanation of the consequences of such a move to their clients.

Fourth, the accountants are not trained for advocacy. Therefore, instead of analyzing their clients’ particular facts and coming up with solutions for their clients, they simply calculate the penalties and present these calculations to their clients as a fact.

Finally, many taxpayers are used to dealing with tax accountants a lot more than with tax attorneys. Similarly, the accountants are aware of these expectations and they attempt to meet these expectations even at the cost of taking on the tasks about which they have little understand and virtually no training.

FBAR is a Legal Matter and Should Be Resolved By Tax Attorneys

Yet, it is highly important to understand that, by undertaking the task of advising their clients on FBAR disclosures, the accountants may be committing malpractice because FBAR is first and foremost a legal matter, not an accounting one. This is why all FBAR disclosures should be handled by tax attorneys who have the right tools and privileges to help their clients.

Let’s emphasize some of the advantages of legal profession that make attorneys so well-fit for FBAR disclosures.

First, the taxpayers with delinquent FBARs need to be able to relate the facts of their particular situations freely to their tax advisors. Since your accountant can be forced to testify against you by the IRS, the best and only protection is the Attorney-Client Privilege.

Second, FBAR is a legal disclosure document, not a tax document. International tax attorneys should use their experience and judgment in advising their clients on how the FBARs should be completed.

Third – and this is a critical factor – attorneys are experienced advocates who are trained to recognize problems and develop comprehensive ethical solutions aimed to minimize the risk of adverse legal exposure of their clients. This means that an experienced international tax attorney will analyze the facts of the particular case in front of him, identify all non-compliance issues, estimate the potential penalties and look for solutions to the problems of a particular case.

Contact Sherayzen Law Office for Legal Help with Your FBAR Disclosure

If you have undisclosed offshore assets, contact Sherayzen Law Office . Our experienced international tax firm will thoroughly analyze your case, estimate your potential FBAR penalties, identify all non-compliance issues, and develop a comprehensive approach to your offshore voluntary disclosure.

12.5% OVDP Offshore Penalty Category

In an earlier article, I introduced the structure of the OVDP (Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program) Offshore Penalty. In this essay, I would like to explore one aspect of that structure – the possibility of reducing the Offshore Penalty to 12.5%.

Offshore Penalty

The taxpayers who enter the OVDP must pay the Offshore Penalty. This penalty is imposed in lieu of all other penalties that may apply to the taxpayer’s undisclosed foreign assets and entities, including FBAR and offshore-related information return penalties and tax liabilities for years prior to the voluntary disclosure period.

The default rate of the Offshore Penalty under the OVDP is 27.5%, but, in limited circumstances, it is possible to reduce the penalty to only 12.5% (assuming that the taxpayer does not otherwise qualifies to a lesser penalty rate).

Eligibility Requirements for 12.5% Penalty Rate

The taxpayers may be qualified to a reduced Offshore Penalty rate of 12.5% under the following circumstances. During each of the years covered by the OVDP, the taxpayer’s penalty base (i.e. the highest aggregate balance in foreign bank accounts and the fair market value of assets in undisclosed offshore entities and the fair market value of any foreign assets that were either acquired with improperly untaxed funds or produced improperly untaxed income) must be less than $75,000.

Therefore, there are two basic requirements. First, the highest penalty base must be less than $75,000. Second, this must be the case in each of the years.

Strict compliance is required by the IRS. For example, in a situation where the taxpayer made one deposit in some early year covered by the OVDP and that deposit briefly brought the account balance above $75,000, the taxpayer will not be eligible to the reduced 12.5% Offshore Penalty.

Contact Sherayzen Law Office for Help With Your Offshore Voluntary Disclosure

Whether the 12.5% Offshore Penalty rate applies in your particular situation is a question that can only be answered by an international tax attorney who has thoroughly examined your case.

This is why you should contact Sherayzen Law Office for help NOW.

Our international tax firm is highly experienced in conducting offshore voluntary disclosures. We will thoroughly analyze your case, assess your current FBAR liability as well as the liability that you would face under the OVDP, determine the available disclosure options and implement the appropriate disclosure strategy (including preparation of all legal and tax documents as well as IRS representation).

Domestic and Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Ineligibility Examples

In an earlier article, I discussed the general Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program eligibility requirements now closed, particularly those spelled out in the Internal Revenue Manual (IRM). In this essay, I would like to provide certain examples of when a taxpayer’s disclosure fails to meet IRM requirements. Note, these examples are not specific to offshore disclosure, but are also relevant to domestic voluntary disclosure. Finally, it is important to point out that the examples below are not taking into account other OVDP application requirements; rather, they merely describe general compliance situations.

It should be noted that these examples are for illustrative purposes only and cannot be relied upon to determine the voluntary disclosure eligibility in your specific circumstances. Whether you are eligible to participate in the OVDP is a question that must be analyzed by an international tax attorney who is experienced in this area of law.

1. A letter from an attorney stating his client, who wishes to remain anonymous, wants to resolve his tax liability. This is not a voluntary disclosure until the identity of the taxpayer is disclosed and all of the elements of IRM have been met.

2. A disclosure made by a taxpayer who is under grand jury investigation. This is not a voluntary disclosure because the taxpayer is already under criminal investigation. The conclusion would be the same whether or not the taxpayer knew of the grand jury investigation.

3. A disclosure made by a taxpayer, who is not currently under examination or investigation, of omitted gross receipts from a partnership, whose partner is already under investigation for omitted income that was skimmed from the partnership. This is not a voluntary disclosure because the IRS has already initiated an investigation which is directly related to the specific liability of this taxpayer. The conclusion would be the same whether or not the taxpayer knew of the ongoing investigation.

4. A disclosure made by a taxpayer, who is not currently under examination or investigation, of omitted constructive dividends received from a corporation which is currently under examination. This is not a voluntary disclosure because the IRS has already initiated an examination which is directly related to the specific liability of this taxpayer. The conclusion would be the same whether or not the taxpayer knew of the ongoing examination.

5. A disclosure made by a taxpayer after an employee has contacted the IRS regarding the taxpayer’s double set of books. This is not a voluntary disclosure even if no examination or investigation has commenced because the IRS has already been informed by the third party of the specific taxpayer’s noncompliance. The conclusion would be the same whether or not the taxpayer knew of the informant’s contact with the IRS.

Contact Sherayzen Law Office for Legal Help With Your Domestic and Offshore Voluntary Disclosure

If you have undisclosed income and/or offshore accounts, contact Sherayzen Law Office for legal help. Our experienced tax firm will analyze your case, determine your current tax liability (including potential FBAR penalties), identify available voluntary disclosure options, prepare all of the necessary legal and tax documents, and rigorously represent your interests during your negotiations with the IRS.