taxation law services

Non-Resident Alien Spouse and Joint U.S. Tax Return

This article will cover the options that are available for married couples where one spouse is a non-resident alien and the other is a U.S. citizen. A nonresident alien is an alien who has not passed the green card test or the “substantial presence test” under IRS rules. For the purposes of this article, a “married couple” will refer solely to this specific situation.

Election to File Joint Return

Although a non-resident alien who does not have U.S. source income is generally not required to file a U.S. tax return, in some instances it may be beneficial for a non-resident alien married to a U.S. citizen to do so. If the married couple meets certain criteria, they may elect to file a joint return.

The criteria is as follows: A married couple may elect to treat the non-resident alien as a U.S. resident, if the couple is married at the end of the taxable year. This also includes instances in which one of the spouses is a non-resident alien at the beginning of the year, but becomes a resident alien at the end of the year, and the other spouse is a non-resident alien at the end of the year.

Reason for Electing to File a Joint Return

There are numerous reasons why a non-resident alien in a married couple may elect to file a joint return. For instance, the non-resident alien may have U.S. source income, in which case U.S. taxes will likely be owed in any event. Thus, filing a joint return may result in less taxes paid, depending on tax brackets, type of income and applicable deductions.

It may also make sense in certain circumstances for a non-resident alien who does not have U.S. source income to file a joint return. Additionally, a non-resident alien filing a joint return may be allowed to claim possible credits on foreign income taxes paid, such as the Foreign Tax Credit.

Note however, in certain circumstances, the non-resident alien spouse of the married couple filing the joint return may still be treated as a non-resident alien (such as for the tax purposes of IRC Chapter 3 Withholding, Social Security, or Medicare).

Applicable Rules

Married couples must file a joint return in the year they first elect to treat the non-resident alien as a resident alien for tax purposes. Both spouses will be considered to be residents for tax purposes for all years that the election is in effect. While a joint income return must be filed for the year the election is made, a joint or separate return may be filed in later years.

By electing to file the joint return, both spouses must report all worldwide income on the return. In general, neither spouse will be able to claim tax treaty benefits as a resident of a foreign country in the years in which the election is made, although this will depend upon the specifics of each treaty.

Making The Election

Married couples may make the election by attaching a statement, signed by both spouses, to the joint return for the first tax year that the election is made. (See specific IRS requirements for more details). Married couples may also make the election by filing a amended Form 1040X joint tax return (however, any tax returns filed after the tax year of the amended return must also be amended).

Ending or Suspending the Election

Once the election is made, it will apply to all subsequent tax years, unless it is ended or suspended. An election may be ended by various means, such as the death of either spouse, legal separation, revocation by either spouse, or inadequate records (See Publication 519, U.S. Tax Guide for Aliens, for more details). Once the election is ended, neither spouse may make the election in subsequent tax years.

An election is suspended if neither spouse is a US citizen or resident alien at any time during a later tax year. Married couples may resume the election however if the required criteria are eventually met again in subsequent tax years.

Contact Sherayzen Law Office

This article is intended to give you a brief summary of these issues. If you have further questions regarding these matters as it pertains to your own tax circumstances, Sherayzen Law Office offers professional advice in all of your tax and international tax needs. Call now at (952) 500-8159 to discuss your tax situation with an experienced international tax attorney.

FATCA: Increased Foreign Asset Disclosure Requirements for U.S. Persons

The Foreign Accounts Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) was enacted as part of the Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment Act of 2010 (“HIRE Act” or “Act”). In addition to specific requirements and a withholding tax, FATCA imposed a new foreign asset disclosure requirements on U.S. persons.

This article will give a general summary about FATCA disclosure requirements, penalties and its statute of limitations

Disclosure Requirements

In general, under IRC section 6038D, disclosure is required if the aggregate value of all “specified foreign financial assets” as defined in the statute, exceeds $50,000 (compare this threshold to the FBAR requirement of $10,000). This information must be attached to the current year tax returns. The provision of FATCA is effective as of tax year 2011.

Covered individuals or entities must disclose the maximum value of the asset(s) during the year, as well as other pertinent information regarding the account, stock, financial instrument, contract, interest, or related items. It should be noted that FATCA disclosure is likely to be broader than the reporting requirements under the FBAR.


IRC section 6038D imposes a penalty of $10,000 on U.S. persons (i.e., individuals, corporations, partnerships, trusts or LLC’s) who do not meet the required disclosure requirement. If the required disclosure information is not provided within 90 days of notice and demand by the IRS, penalties will increase by $10,000 each 30 days following the notification, up to a maximum penalty of $50,000. A reasonable cause exception to the penalty may apply in certain circumstances. An international tax attorney should determine whether exception applies to your particular situation.

Furthermore, FATCA amended IRC section 6662 (substantial understatement penalty provision) to double the penalty on any underpayment attributable to an undisclosed foreign financial asset (which means any asset that should have been reported under IRC sections 6038, 6038B, 6038D, 6046A, or 6048) to a draconian 40% penalty. This provision is effective for tax years beginning after the enactment of the Act on March 18, 2010 – i.e. tax year 2011.

State of Limitations Provisions

In addition to other provisions expanding the powers of the IRS under FATCA, the Act also has an increased statute of limitations for an IRS audit. Under Section 513 of the Act, the statute of limitations is extended to six years after a return is filed when a taxpayer makes an omission of income attributable to one or more assets required to be reported under section 6038D in excess of $5,000. This is an extension of the general statute of limitations of three years from the filing of a return.

The Section 513 statute of limitations applies to returns filed after March 18, 2010. The extended statute of limitations may also apply to returns filed on or before this date if the general statute of limitation period (under IRC section 6501) has not yet expired.

Contact Sherayzen Law Office to Help You

Do you have questions relating to FATCA reporting issues, or concerns that you may be neglecting to report information that can lead to substantial penalties? Sherayzen Law Office is here to assist you with all of your U.S. tax compliance tax issues. Contact us by email: [email protected] to discuss your tax situation with an experienced international tax lawyer.

Tax Attorney Minneapolis | Keeping Tax Records After Filing Your Tax Return

Once in a while, I get a question from my clients on how long and what type of records they need to keep after they file their tax returns.  Generally, you should keep any and all documents that may have an impact on your federal tax return. For example, it is a good idea to keep bills, credit card and other receipts, invoices, mileage logs, canceled, imaged or substitute checks, proofs of payment, and any other records to support deductions or credits you claim on your return.

If you are self-employed, you are probably likely to keep a much larger pile of documents than other individual clients.  The documents should generally include all revenue records, expense records, depreciation records, and so on.  You should consult a tax professional on what type of records you should keep and how long.

Most individual taxpayers will need to keep their tax records for at least three years.  Some documents –  such as those related to a home purchase or sale, stock transactions, business property records – should be preserved for a longer period of time.

Generally, I advise my clients to err on the side of keeping the documents.

If you have any questions on whether you should keep a given documents, you should consult your accountant or a tax attorney.

Tax Lawyers Minnesota | April 18, 2011 Filing Deadline

This is a reminder to the individual taxpayers that they have until the April 18, 2011, to file their 2010 tax returns. Taxpayers have an extra weekend to file this year because of a District of Columbia holiday on April 15.

If you cannot meet the April 18 deadline, file an extension (Form 4868, Application for Automatic Extension of Time to File U.S. Individual Income Tax Return). Remember, however, that the six-month extension is to file a return only; it is not an extension to pay taxes due (see this article on the extension of filing deadline for individuals).

Also, remember that April 18, 2011, is the deadline for your first estimated tax payment this year (if you are supposed to pay any estimated taxes).