Foreign Inheritance: US Taxation & Reporting | Form 3520 | International Tax Lawyers Austin

Hello and welcome to Sherayzen Video Blog. My name is Eugene Sherayzen and I’m an international tax attorney and owner of Sherayzen Law Office, Ltd.

Today, I’m continuing a series of vlogs from Austin, Texas. Today, I’d like to talk about a previous client experience here in Texas. I had a client from the United Kingdom who received foreign inheritance and it was not reported, neither were the assets he received in the subsequent years on FBAR, Form 8938 and Form 8621 for PFICs obviously.

We were talking about this situation where he essentially was deeply in noncompliance. We resolved all of the PFIC issues in a very interesting way. It was from awhile ago from the old OVDI program from 2011 and in that case, were were able to choose a different PFIC calculation methodology, mark to market which resulted in recognition of significant losses for the client which pretty much which pretty much wiped out his US income tax liability.

Of course, he still needed to pay the OVDI penalty on his foreign assets but we were able to put them in a middle category where his reporting and his penalty was also lower than what it would’ve been otherwise. That is in essence an old but very memorable case because of the fact that it came from the United Kingdom with respect to such a wide array of reporting requirements: foreign inheritance, FBAR, 8938, 8621. The only thing he didn’t have were foreign businesses; otherwise that would’ve been even more of a complicated case because a lot of rules were in flux at that point that gave a lot of opportunities with respect to lowering his income tax liability and his offshore penalty.

In the next vlog, I will continue talking about my prior client experience here in Austin, Texas.

Thank you for watching, until the next time.

Foreign inheritance: US Taxation & Reporting | Form 3520 | International Tax Lawyers Austin
Article Name
Foreign inheritance: US Taxation & Reporting | Form 3520 | International Tax Lawyers Austin
In this vlog, Mr. Sherayzen, an international tax lawyer and owner of Sherayzen Law Office, Ltd., discusses one of his foreign inheritance cases involving US international tax compliance and the tax forms involved with the inheritance. The vlog is part of a series of vlogs Mr. Sherayzen made in Austin, Texas.
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Sherayzen Law Office, Ltd.
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