Application Process for Voluntary Classification Settlement Program

As was discussed in an earlier article, the IRS announced a new Voluntary Classification Settlement Program that offers concrete benefits to participating employers. Among the chief benefits are substantially lower payment by employers of the potentially overdue taxes (without any interests and penalties) and a relatively simple way of resolving this potentially grave problem. Additional benefits also include limited audit protection.

Eligible taxpayers who wish to participate in the VCSP must submit an application for participation in the program. Along with the application, the employer should provide to the IRS the name of its tax attorney (or an authorized representative) with a valid Power of Attorney (Form 2848). The IRS will contact the attorney to complete the process once it has reviewed the application and verified the taxpayer’s eligibility. Taxpayers whose application has been accepted will enter into a closing agreement with the IRS to finalize the terms of the VCSP and will simultaneously make full and complete payment of any amount due under the closing agreement.

It is important to emphasize that the IRS retains discretion whether to accept a taxpayer’s application for the VCSP. This is why it is important for the taxpayer to retain a competent tax attorney to represent him, even if this is an out-of-state attorney.

Contact Sherayzen Law Office for VCSP Representation

If you wish to participate in the VCSP, you should contact Sherayzen Law Office immediately. Our experienced tax firm will guide you through the entire process of Voluntary Classification Settlement Program and strive to achieve the most satisfactory and efficient resolution of your case.