Entries by Manager

Foreign Inheritance FBAR Reporting | FBAR Lawyer

Foreign Inheritance FBAR Reporting is one of the most common issues among U.S. taxpayers with foreign parents, uncles, aunts, siblings and other relatives. The issue discussed in this article is not reporting foreign inheritance itself (although this is an important concern which I already addressed in other articles), but whether FBAR needs to be filed […]

Foreign Life Insurance Policies – FBAR Reporting

Foreign Life Insurance Policies are very popular around the world, especially in India, Germany and France (Assurance Vie accounts). Yet, very few U.S. taxpayers (especially H-1B holders and U.S. permanent residents) are aware of the fact that these policies may be subject to numerous and complex IRS tax reporting requirements in the United States. In […]

First Conviction of Non-Swiss Financial Institutions For Tax Evasion Conspiracy

On March 9, 2016, the IRS announced the first conviction of Non-Swiss Financial Institutions for tax evasion conspiracy. At Sherayzen Law Office, we have been predicting now for years that the IRS would expand its prosecution of financial institutions far beyond the Swiss borders, specifically pointing to tax shelters such as Cayman Islands. Now that […]

Julius Baer Deferred Prosecution Agreement

On February 4, 2016, the US DOJ announced that it filed criminal charges against Bank Julius Baer & Co. Ltd. (“Julius Baer” or “the company”). At the same time, the DOJ announced a Julius Baer Deferred Prosecution Agreement. Let’s explore this event in more detail. Julius Baer Deferred Prosecution Agreement Background Unlike many other Swiss […]

No FBAR Penalty Option

No FBAR Penalty is the result that every taxpayer wishes to achieve. Indeed, having no FBAR penalty is a realistic objective, but only in certain situations. One of such situations is currently offered by the IRS through Delinquent FBAR Submission Procedures. History of the IRS Procedures Regarding No FBAR Penalty Option There is a relatively […]