Entries by Manager

Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Lawyers: Eligibility for Program for Swiss Banks

As offshore voluntary disclosure lawyers know very well, Switzerland continues to be the center of the unprecedented IRS and US Department of Justice enforcement of U.S. international tax laws, including FATCA. In a recent article, I described a new initiative, The Program for Non-Prosecution Agreements or Non-Target Letters for Swiss Banks (the “Program”), which is […]

Philadelphia International Tax Attorney: Retainer by Location

Retaining the right Philadelphia international tax attorney is not easy. One of the important issues that taxpayers face is whether it is better to retain an international tax attorney in Philadelphia or in Minneapolis if you live in Philadelphia? If you were to search “Philadelphia international tax attorney”, Sherayzen Law Office, Ltd. (which is based […]

Retirement Savings Contributions Credit 2013

You may be eligible for a tax credit if you make eligible contributions (other than rollover contributions) to an employer-sponsored retirement plan or to an individual retirement arrangement. Eligible Plans The eligible plans for the retirement savings contribution credit include: traditional and Roth IRAs, 401(k), 403(b), governmental 457, SEP, SIMPLE, 501(c)(18)(D) and contributions to a […]

FBARs and Polish Lokata Accounts

In recent years, I have received a number of questions from my Polish clients about whether “Lokata” accounts are reportable on the FBARs. The short answer is “Yes”. Lokata Accounts Lokata is a fixed-term deposit account which is very common in Polish banks; a Lokata is very similar to U.S. CD-type of accounts. There are […]