Entries by Manager

FBAR: Exclusion of Personal and Homeowner’s Lines of Credit

Often, I receive specific questions from my clients with respect to whether certain types of accounts should be reported on the Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (“FBAR”). Recently, one of my clients wanted to know whether he needs to report his personal and homeowner’s lines of credits on the FBAR. A little disclaimer […]

Official Treasury Currency Conversion Rates of December 31, 2010

Every quarter the U.S. Department of Treasury publishes its official currency conversion rates (they are called “Treasury’s Financial Management Service rates). While there are many uses for these rates, the current (March 2011 revision) FBAR instructions require their use, if available, to determine the maximum value of a foreign bank account. In particular, the FBAR […]

FATCA: Increased Foreign Asset Disclosure Requirements for U.S. Persons

The Foreign Accounts Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) was enacted as part of the Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment Act of 2010 (“HIRE Act” or “Act”). In addition to specific requirements and a withholding tax, FATCA imposed a new foreign asset disclosure requirements on U.S. persons. This article will give a general summary about FATCA disclosure […]