Entries by Manager

Franchise Agreements: Typical Structure

Over the past fifteen to twenty years, the franchise agreements have grown tremendously in complexity and size. They also tend to be more and more favorable toward the franchisor. Therefore, if you are a potential franchisee, you must read the franchise agreement very carefully to make sure that you fully understand what the agreement is […]

Business Litigation: Definition

While its definition varies, most attorneys would agree that “business litigation” is a complex area of law which includes a variety of contractual and tort claims. Examples of such claims include but not limited to: breach of contract, fraud, tortious interference with contract, breach of fiduciary duty, infringement of intellectual property rights, and unfair competition. […]

Amending Tax Returns

Whether you need to amend your previously-filed tax return depends on your particular situation. In some situations, such as simple math errors, the IRS will correct the return for you. In other situations, however, you should file an amended tax return. The most common situations occur when you need to change your: filing status, dependents, […]