International Tax Lawyer Minneapolis

Buona Sera, Seniorie Seniorie!

My name is Eugene Sherayzen and I am an International Tax Attorney. Before we delve into the subject matter of today’s presentation, I would like to give you some background information so that you have an idea of who I am and what it is that I do.

I’ve been an International Tax Attorney for about 11 years; I started practising law right after I graduated from Law school, passed the Bar and got my License all in one year, in 2005. I’ve devoted all these years between 2005 and to the present time to expanding my own Law Firm – Sherayzen Law Office, Ltd., which specializes in International Tax Compliance, in particular Offshore Voluntary Disclosures (this is the core area of my practice), but I also do Annual US Tax Compliance and International Tax Planning.

The nature of my practice is such that I have a very diverse Client base with Clients coming from over 60 Countries from every Continent permanently inhabited by human beings.

The majority of my Clients come from Europe both Western and Eastern, Southeast Asia, Canada and of course the United States. A significant number of my Clients come from Latin America and the Middle East and a small number of Clients come from Australia and some African countries like Nigeria.

There are several unique aspects of my firm that I would like to share with you today. First, we’re the only boutique law firm that offers such a wide range of International Tax Services; only very large Accounting and Law Firms do what I do on a regular basis. Second, we combine the Legal and the Accounting aspects of International Tax Practice in one firm.

This is unique; maybe firms like Ernst & Young do that but what it does is that it allows my firm to handle the entire case from the beginning to the end by itself without the necessity of retaining outside Accountants or Lawyers.

Finally, we are a truly International Law Firm because we offer services in three languages: English, Russian and Spanish… no Italian yet, though in a year or two I hope to add French and then we’ll see about the Italian.

International Tax Lawyer Minneapolis
Article Name
International Tax Lawyer Minneapolis
Minneapolis international tax lawyer Eugene Sherayzen introduces his international tax law firm during his presentation at the Italian Cultural Center in Minneapolis.
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Sherayzen Law Office, Ltd.
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