
US Taxpayers’ Nightmare Continues: FBAR Penalty Inflation Adjustment

As if the FBAR penalties were not frightening enough, Congress has mandated the IRS to adjust the FBAR penalties to account for inflation. As a result, the already complicated and severe system of FBAR penalties became even more complex and ruthless. In this article, I would like provide a general overview of the FBAR penalty inflation adjustment and what it means for noncompliant US taxpayers.

FBAR Penalty Inflation Adjustment: The “Old” FBAR Penalty System

The FBAR penalty system was already complex prior to the 2015 FBAR penalty inflation adjustment. It consisted of three different levels of penalties with various levels of mitigation. The highest level of penalties consisted of criminal penalties. The most dreadful penalty was imposed for the willful failure to file FBAR or retain records of a foreign account while also violating certain other laws – up to $500,000 or 10 years in prison or both.

The next level consisted of civil penalties imposed for the willful failure to file an FBAR – up to $100,000 or 50% of the highest balance of an account, whichever is greater, per violation. It is important to emphasize that the IRS has unilaterally interpreted the word “violation” to mean that a penalty should be imposed on each account per year, potentially going back six years (the FBAR statute of limitations is six years).

The third level of penalties were imposed for the non-willful failure to file an FBAR. The penalties were up to $10,000 per violation per year. It is also important to point out that the subsequent laws and IRS guidance imposed certain limitations on the application of the non-willful FBAR penalties.

Finally, there were also penalties imposed solely on businesses for negligent failure to file an FBAR. These penalties were up to $500 per violation; if, however, there was a pattern of negligence, the negligence penalties could increase ten times up to $50,000 per violation.

FBAR Penalty Inflation Adjustment: Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act Improvements Act of 2015

Apparently, the Congress did not believe that these FBAR penalties were sufficiently horrific. Hence, it enacted a law awkwardly named Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act Improvements Act of 2015 (“2015 Inflation Adjustment Act”) to “improve the effectiveness of civil monetary penalties and to maintain their deterrent effect.”

The 2015 Inflation Adjustment Act required federal agencies to do two things: (1) adjust the amounts of civil monetary penalties with an initial “catch-up” adjustment; and (2) make subsequent annual adjustments for inflation. It is important to note that only civil penalties, not criminal, were subject to the inflation adjustment.

While the annual adjustment requirement is fairly clear, the “catch-up” adjustment requires a bit more explanation. In essence, the catch-up adjustment requires a federal agency to adjust the penalty (as it was last originally established by an act of Congress) for inflation from the time of establishment through roughly the November of 2015. In other words, a penalty would be adjusted in one year for all of the inflation that accumulated between the time the statutory penalty was created and the time the 2015 Inflation Adjustment Act was enacted. The adjustment was limited to 2.5 times of the original penalty.

The end result of the penalty adjustment was a massive increase in federal penalties in 2016. For example, one OSHA penalty went up from $70,000 to $124,709.

New System under the FBAR Penalty Inflation Adjustment

Luckily, the FBAR penalties were last revisited by Congress in 2004 and the increase in FBAR penalties, while very large (about 25%), was not as dramatic as some of the other federal penalties. Nevertheless, the FBAR penalty inflation adjustment further complicated the multi-layered system of FBAR penalties.

The key complication came from the fact that the FBAR penalty became dependent on the timing of the IRS penalty assessment, bifurcating the already existing FBAR penalty system (that was broadly described above) into two distinct parts: pre-November 2, 2015 and post-November 2, 2015.

If an FBAR violation occurred on or before November 2, 2015, the old FBAR penalty system applies. This is also true even if the actual IRS assessment of the FBAR penalties for the violation occurred after this date. In other words, the last FBAR violation definitely eligible for the old statutory penalties is the one concerning 2014 FBAR which was due on June 30, 2015. Obviously, FBARs for prior years are also eligible for the same treatment.

If an FBAR violation occurred after November 2, 2015 and the FBAR penalty would be assessed after August 1, 2016, the new system of penalties (i.e. the one after the FBAR penalty inflation adjustment) applies. In other words, all FBAR violations starting 2015 FBAR (which was due on June 30, 2016) are subject to the ever-increasing FBAR civil penalties.

With respect to these post-November 2, 2015 violations, the exact amount of penalties will depend on the timing of the IRS penalty assessment, not when the FBAR violation actually occurred. For example, if the IRS penalty assessment was made after August 1, 2016 but prior to January 15, 2017, then maximum non-willful FBAR penalty per violation will be $12,459 and the maximum willful FBAR penalty per violation will be the greater of $124,588 or 50% of the highest balance of the account.

If, however, the penalty was assessed after January 15, 2017 but prior to January 15, 2018, the maximum non-willful FBAR penalty will increase to $12,663 per violation and the maximum civil willful FBAR penalty will be the greater of $126,626 or 50% of the highest balance of the account.

Contact Sherayzen Law Office for Help with Avoiding or Reducing Your FBAR Penalties

Whether you have undisclosed foreign accounts on which the FBAR penalties have not yet been imposed or the IRS has already imposed FBAR penalties for your prior FBAR noncompliance, you should contact Sherayzen Law Office as soon as possible to secure professional help. We have helped hundreds of US taxpayers to reduce and, under certain circumstances, completely eliminate FBAR penalties through properly made voluntary disclosures. We have also helped US taxpayers to fight the already imposed FBAR penalties through appeals to the IRS Office of Appeals as well as in a federal court.

We can help You! Contact Us Today to Schedule Your Confidential Consultation!

Why the IRS Loves FBAR | International Tax Attorney Houston

The IRS loves FBAR. Undoubtedly, FATCA Form 8938 is a very serious rival, but even this form cannot match the FBAR’s popularity among the IRS agents with respect to foreign accounts. What is behind this popularity? Or, stated in another way, why does the IRS love FBAR and prefers them to any other international tax enforcement mechanism for undisclosed foreign accounts?

First Reason Why the IRS Loves FBAR

The first reason why the IRS loves FBAR is because FBAR used to be the main and almost only form that dealt directly with foreign accounts. Until 2011, when Form 8938 appeared for the first time, there was simply no form created pursuant to the Internal Revenue Code that would match the FBAR’s reach with respect to foreign bank and financial accounts.

Second Reason Why the IRS Loves FBAR

The second reason why the IRS loves FBAR is the ease with which a taxpayer can commit an FBAR violation. First, since FBAR comes from Title 31 and it is not part of the Internal Revenue Code, it is a fairly obscure requirement. Obviously, it is much better known now after the IRS voluntary disclosure programs. Still, there are many taxpayers and even accountants who simply do not know of FBAR’s existence.

Second, FBAR has a very low reporting threshold. As long as the highest aggregate balance on the foreign accounts was $10,000 or more at any point during a year, all of the accounts must be reported on FBAR. In essence, any more or less active use of an account is likely to trigger the FBAR requirement.

Third Reason Why the IRS Loves FBAR

The third reason why the IRS loves FBAR is the wide net that the FBAR casts over taxpayers. Not only does the FBAR define the term “account” in a very broad manner (including in this term such odd “accounts” as life insurance policies, bullion gold investments and so on), but its penalty structure forces compliance among all levels of taxpayers irrespective of their earnings or their willfulness (or lack thereof) with respect to FBAR violations.

Fourth Reason Why the IRS Loves FBAR

Finally, the fourth reason why the IRS loves FBAR is its draconian penalty structure that may result in the imposition of penalties that far exceed the balance (to emphasize: not the earnings, but the balance) of the unreported accounts. FBAR imposes high penalties of up to $10,000 even with respect to non-willful violations. Criminal penalties, including jail time, may be possible for willful violations.

In other words, FBAR is the ultimate punishment that the IRS can hammer out on noncompliant US taxpayers. This is probably the most important reason for the popularity of FBAR among IRS agents and even US Department of Justice prosecutors.

Contact Sherayzen Law Office for Professional Help with Undisclosed Foreign Accounts and Foreign Assets

If you have not disclosed your foreign accounts on FBARs or you have other unreported foreign assets, contact Sherayzen Law Office for professional help as soon as possible. Our legal and accounting team is led by one of the best international tax lawyers in the country, Mr. Eugene Sherayzen. We have helped hundreds of US taxpayers around the world with their FBAR compliance and we can help you!

Contact Us Today to Schedule Your Confidential Consultation!

Omaha FBAR Attorney | OVDP IRS International Tax Lawyer

As the headquarters of Berkshire Hathaway, Omaha (Nebraska) draws a large number of foreign-born professionals. A high percentage of these professionals still have foreign accounts overseas and they are in great needs of assistance from an Omaha FBAR attorney. Oftentimes, they cannot find an attorney they like in Omaha (especially, since this is not a very large city with a lot of international tax attorneys) and they not sure they can use the help of out-of-state FBAR attorneys who offer their services in Omaha. This essay is meant to help these persons by defining the term Omaha FBAR Attorney.

Omaha FBAR Attorney: What is FBAR

The Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (“FBAR”) is probably the most important information return with respect to disclosure of foreign accounts by US tax residents. Its importance stems from the low filing threshold and very high civil and criminal penalties.

As of the calendar year 2016, under the Bank Secrecy Act (“BSA”) §5314 and in accordance with the FinCEN regulations, the FBAR must be filed by a US person who has a financial interest in or signatory authority over one or more foreign financial accounts with an aggregate value greater than $10,000 at any time during the calendar year. See 31 U.S.C. §5314; 31 C.F.R. §1010.350; 31 C.F.R. §1010.306(c).

Thus, there are five requirements that must be satisfied in order for the FBAR filing requirement to arise. First, the filer must be a US person. Second, this US person had a bank or financial account (or accounts) during the calendar year in question. Third, this foreign bank or financial account must be foreign – i.e. in the foreign country. Fourth, during the calendar year, the US person had a financial interest in the account or signature or other authority over the financial account. Finally, the fifth requirement is that the aggregate value of the account or accounts (converted to US dollars) exceeded $10,000 at any point during the calendar year.

All five of these requirements contain important terms (such as “US person”, “financial account” and “financial interest”) which have very specific definitions; so, one must be very careful before making any assumptions about the applicability of FBARs to his situation (in fact, this is really the job for FBAR attorney). The definition of “financial account” is especially fraught with danger and may include anything from a normal investment account to a gold bar stored under the custody of a foreign bank. Please, see other relevant articles on for more details.

Omaha FBAR Attorney: Definition

Armed with this understanding of FBARs, we can now turn to the main subject of this article – who is considered to be an Omaha FBAR Attorney. There are two aspects to this concept: geographical and substantive.

From the outset, it should be stated that the geographical location of an attorney does not matter. An attorney can reside in Omaha, Nebraska or Minneapolis, Minnesota and still be considered an Omaha FBAR Attorney if this attorney offers his services in this city.

The reason for this geographical indifference lies in the fact that FBAR is a purely federal compliance requirement; it has no particular ties to Omaha or any other specific city or state (or a foreign country, for that matter). As long as a person is a US tax resident and he has foreign accounts, he is potentially subject to FBAR requirement even if he physically resides outside of the United States. Since FBAR is a uniform requirement that does not respect borders and jurisdictions, the same is almost true of the FBAR attorneys, except that an attorney must be licensed to practice in any of the fifty states or Washington D.C. and FBAR must be within the realm of his main area of practice.

The substantive requirement that forms part of the definition of an Omaha FBAR attorney is related to what I just mentioned – FBAR must be within the realm of the main area of an attorney’s legal practice in order for this attorney to be considered an Omaha FBAR attorney.

What is this main area of practice? US international tax law – an Omaha FBAR attorney must be an international tax attorney, because FBAR compliance is part of the much broader US international tax law.

Retain Sherayzen Law Office as Your Omaha FBAR Attorney

If have undisclosed foreign accounts or if you need assistance with your annual FBAR compliance, you should contact Sherayzen Law Office for professional help. Sherayzen Law Office is a leading international tax law firm in the area of FBAR compliance. Our highly-experienced international tax team, headed by its founder Attorney Eugene Sherayzen, has helped hundreds of US taxpayers around the globe with their FBAR compliance and other international tax issues (including offshore voluntary disclosures under the OVDP, Streamlined Domestic Offshore Procedures, Streamlined Foreign Offshore Procedures, Delinquent FBAR Submission Procedures, Delinquent International Information Return Submission Procedures and Reasonable Cause Disclosures (also known as “noisy disclosures”)).

This is why, if you are looking for a Omaha FBAR Attorney, please contact Sherayzen Law Office, Ltd. today to schedule Your Confidential Consultation!

Seattle FBAR Attorney | FATCA International Tax Lawyer

Due to Seattle’s proximity to Canada and a large amount of foreign professionals employed by high-tech firms (especially Microsoft), there is a large number of residents of Seattle, Washington, who have an obligation to report their foreign accounts. The great majority of these people need the assistance of professional Seattle FBAR attorney, but they find it difficult to decide who to retain. Often, they find that the attorney who they like lives outside of Seattle (for example, in Minneapolis) and they are not sure if they should prefer him over local Seattle FBAR Attorneys. This short essay is devoted to defining the term Seattle FBAR Attorney and the description of the main criteria which should guide you in retaining your Seattle FBAR Attorney.

Seattle FBAR Attorney: Definition

The term Seattle FBAR Attorney includes two groups of FBAR attorneys. First, all of the FBAR Attorneys who reside in Seattle, Washington, should be considered Seattle FBAR Attorneys.

The second group includes all FBAR Attorneys who reside outside of Seattle but offer their FBAR services to the residents of Seattle. Hence, the geographical location of your FBAR Attorney does not actually matter, only the geographical scope of his FBAR services.

Why is this case? The answer is relatively simple – FBAR is a federal compliance requirement. This means that neither the State of Washington nor the city of Seattle have anything to do with it.

Seattle FBAR Attorney: Knowledge of International Tax Law and FBARs is the Key Criteria for Retainer

Now that we know who is considered to be a Seattle FBAR Attorney, we can turn to the key criteria for choosing the right Seattle FBAR Attorney. There are two main considerations in choosing your FBAR Attorney: professional and personal.

The professional criteria consists of the requirement that your Seattle FBAR Attorney be an international tax lawyer with a lot of experience working with FBAR and FBAR-related issues. It is not enough for your attorney to simply know what the FBARs are and how to prepare them. FBAR issues are often deeply intertwined with other US international tax requirements that determine a taxpayer’s legal and tax positions. Therefore, your Seattle FBAR Attorney must have profound knowledge of other related international tax law issues, regulations and compliance requirements.

In addition to the knowledge of the subject-matter (i.e. “objective criteria”), there is also a subjective criteria – do you feel he is devoted to your case? The issue of trust is the most important consideration here – both the client and the attorney will feel frustrated with the case if there is a deep distrust between them. This distrust may have a great influence on the outcome of the case.

Thus, in retaining your Seattle FBAR Attorney, you need to be looking for an international tax attorney who satisfies both criteria.

Seattle FBAR Attorney: Means of Communication is Not an Issue

Is there a difference between the ability to communicate with an out-of-state Seattle FBAR Attorney and a local one? Should this issue become part of the retainer criteria?

The answer is “no”: the objective ability to communicate (i.e. the availability of the modes of communication, rather than an attorney’s personal attitude toward communicating with a client) is not an issue in retaining a Seattle FBAR Attorney. The development of modern communications technology has eliminated the entire advantage of retaining a local Seattle FBAR Attorney. Even if your attorney resides in Seattle, almost all of your communication with him is going to be through email, telephone and regular mail – i.e. the same as if your attorney resides in Minneapolis. The person-to-person meetings are now easily replaced by a video Skype conference.

Obviously, personal subjective ability (i.e. availability and readiness to communicate with his clients) of a Seattle FBAR Attorney (irrespective of where he actually resides) to communicate with his clients is part of the subjective criteria for the retainer already discussed above.

Contact Sherayzen Law Office to Retain Your Seattle FBAR Attorney

Based on the analysis above, Sherayzen Law Office should be one of the preferred choices in your search for a Seattle FBAR Attorney. Sherayzen Law Office holds a leading position in the world on FBAR compliance due to its highly-experienced international tax team, headed by its founder Attorney Eugene Sherayzen. We have helped our clients throughout the world with FBAR compliance and all related international tax issues, including voluntary disclosure of foreign accounts under the IRS Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program, Streamlined Domestic Offshore Procedures, Streamlined Foreign Offshore Procedures, Delinquent FBAR Submission Procedures, Delinquent International Information Return Submission Procedures and Reasonable Cause Disclosures (also known as “noisy disclosures”).

This is why, if you are looking for a Seattle FBAR Attorney, you should contact Sherayzen Law Office, Ltd. today to schedule Your Confidential Consultation!

Philadelphia FBAR Attorney | Foreign Accounts Lawyers

Are you looking for a highly-skilled Philadelphia FBAR Attorney? Then, you are among many Philadelphians who need to report their foreign accounts, but do not know how to find appropriate legal help. Often, they find the attorney that they like lives outside of Philadelphia and they are not sure if they should prefer him over local Philadelphia FBAR Attorneys. In this short article, I would like to address the issue of who is considered to be a Philadelphia FBAR Attorney and why you should retain the services of my firm, Sherayzen Law Office, Ltd. (Sherayzen Law Office).

Philadelphia FBAR Attorney: Geographical Location

From the outset, it is important to understand that the geographical location of a Philadelphia FBAR Attorney does not have any impact on the attorney’s ability to conduct your FBAR case. The reason for this statement lies in the fact that FBAR is federal law. The state of Pennsylvania and the city of Philadelphia have no influence whatsoever over the implementation and enforcement of FBAR. This means that the physical location of your Philadelphia FBAR Attorney does not affect the effectiveness of his legal representation of his clients in Philadelphia.

Furthermore, the development of modern communications technology has eliminated almost the entire advantage of retaining a local Philadelphia FBAR Attorney. Even if your attorney resides in Philadelphia, almost all of your entire communication with him is going to be through email, telephone and regular mail – i.e. the same as if your attorney resides in Minneapolis. The person-to-person meetings are now easily replaced by a video Skype conference.

All of this analysis leads us to two important conclusions. First, a Philadelphia FBAR Attorney is any attorney, irrespective of his residence, who offers his FBAR services in Philadelphia. Second, the geographical location should not have any impact on your decision to retain a Philadelphia FBAR Attorney.

Philadelphia FBAR Attorney: Knowledge of International Tax Law and FBARs is the Key

The conclusions from the first part of this essay point us now to the key consideration that you should have in retaining a Philadelphia FBAR Attorney: his knowledge of the subject matter.

What is this “subject matter”? Is it only limited to knowing the FBARs or is there something else a Philadelphia FBAR Attorney should know? Indeed, the subject matter that your attorney must know should not be limited to just how to file an FBAR. Rather, he should know about FBAR, the place this form occupies within the US international tax system and how FBAR interacts with other US international tax compliance requirements, such as foreign income reporting, Form 8938, Form 8621, foreign business ownership reporting returns (5471, 8865 and 8858), et cetera.

It is also important to understand that the FBAR issues are often highly intertwined with the rest of the US tax laws and this interaction is what will make the real impact on your tax position in the United States. This is why your Philadelphia FBAR Attorney should be highly knowledgeable in other areas of international tax law in addition to FBARs.

Philadelphia FBAR Attorney: Contact Sherayzen Law Office

We can now revert to the question we already posed at the beginning of the essay: who should you retain if you are looking for a highly-skilled Philadelphia FBAR Attorney. While the actual choice is ultimately personal, based on the objective criteria, Sherayzen Law Office should definitely occupy a top spot in your search.

Sherayzen Law Office holds a leading position in the world on FBAR compliance due to its highly-experienced international tax team, headed by its founder Attorney Eugene Sherayzen, that has been helping its clients throughout the world with FBAR and related international tax issues including foreign income reporting, FATCA compliance (Form 8938), PFIC compliance (Form 8621), Subpart F rules, all types of US tax information returns (3520, 3520-A, 5471, 8865, 8858, 926, et cetera), US income tax returns (individual, partnership and corporate) for domestic and foreign persons and other issues.

Furthermore, Sherayzen Law Office has helped hundreds of clients who are delinquent with respect to their FBAR and other US tax obligations. In fact, Sherayzen Law Office is one of the leading international tax law firms in the world with experience in all major IRS voluntary disclosure programs, including 2009 OVDP, 2011 OVDI, 2012 OVDP and 2014 OVDP now closed.

This is why, if you are looking for a Philadelphia FBAR Attorney, you should contact Sherayzen Law Office, Ltd. today to schedule Your Confidential Consultation!