
Green Card US Tax Residency Relationship | International Tax Lawyers Miami

The definition of a US tax resident consists of various categories.  Among them are US Permanent Residents or “green card” holders.  This article explores Green Card US tax residency relationship.

General Rule: Green Card Holders are US Tax Residents

A lawful permanent resident of the United States is a US tax resident. IRC §7701(b)(1)(A)(i). IRC §7701(b)(6) defines the lawful permanent resident as: (1) the individual who has been “lawfully accorded the privilege of residing permanently in the United States as an immigrant in according with the immigrations laws” at any time during the calendar year, and (2) “such status has not been revoked (and has not been administratively or judicially determined to have been abandoned).”

Green Card US Tax Residency: Physical Presence in the United States Does Not Matter

As you can see from the definition above, the green card test does not depend on where the US permanent resident actually resides.  In other words, even if a green card holder spent very little time (just enough to maintain his green card) in the United States, he is still a US tax resident.

Green Card US Tax Residency: Entry into the United States is Critical

Contrary to the actual physical presence after becoming a US tax resident, the entry into the United States with a green card is a highly important event.  As the regulations explain, a green card holder is not a “resident alien” for US tax purposes until he actually enters the United States while holding his green card.  “The residency starting date for an alien who meets the lawful permanent resident test (green card test), described in paragraph (b)(1) of § 301.7701(b)-1, is the first day during the calendar year in which the individual is physically present in the United States as a lawful permanent resident.” §301.7701(b)-4(a).

This means that, if an alien receives a green card but never enters the United States, he will never be a “resident alien” for US tax purposes. Of course, presumably, the green card will eventually lose its validity for failure to maintain it.

However, once the alien enters the United States with his green card, he becomes a resident alien for US tax purposes exactly on that day.  His US tax residency will last until the green card is revoked or he is considered to have abandoned his US permanent residency either judicially or administratively.

Green Card US Tax Residency: US International Tax Implications

Since obtaining a green card is pretty much equivalent to becoming a US tax resident, we must explore the implications of becoming a US tax resident especially from the US international tax perspective.  In a previous article, I already explored in detail the differences between US tax obligations of a resident alien (for US tax purposes) versus nonresident alien. Here, I will highlight the most important of these obligations from the US international tax perspective.

The first obvious US tax consequence of getting a green card and becoming a US tax resident is worldwide income taxation.  The United States government taxes its tax residents on their worldwide income, irrespective of where they earn this income. It also does not matter whether the green card holder’s foreign income is subject to taxation in a foreign country, whether it has been repatriated to the United States, whether it comes from pre-US funds, et cetera.  The obligation to report foreign income on US tax returns is absolute (of course there may be some treaty-based specific exceptions).

Second, a US tax resident may have to report deemed income based on the various anti-deferral tax regimes, such as Subpart F rules, GILTI, et cetera.

Finally, a US tax resident must also comply with all of his US information returns obligations, such as FBAR (officially FinCEN Form 114, the Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts), Form 3520, Form 3520-A, Form 5471, Form 8621, Form 8865, Form 8938, Form 926, et cetera

Contact Sherayzen Law Office to Understand Your US International Tax Obligations as a Green Card Holder

If you have a green card and you wish to understand your US international tax obligations, you should contact the international tax law firm of Sherayzen Law Office.  We have extensive experience in advising green card holders concerning their US tax obligations, including compliance with US international information returns.  If you have not compliant with your US tax obligations, then we can help bring your US tax affairs into full compliance with US tax laws.

Contact Us Today to Schedule Your Confidential Consultation!

Reston FBAR Attorney | International Tax Lawyers Virginia

If you reside in Reston, Virginia and have unreported foreign bank and financial accounts, you may be looking for a Reston FBAR Attorney.  In this case, you should contact Sherayzen Law Office, Ltd., a leader in FBAR compliance, including offshore voluntary disclosures concerning delinquent. Let’s consider the main reasons for it.

Reston FBAR Attorney: International Tax Lawyer

From the outset, it is very important to understand that, by looking for Reston FBAR attorney, in reality, you are searching for an international tax lawyer who specializes in FBAR compliance.

The reason for this conclusion is the fact that FBAR enforcement belongs to a very special field of US tax law – US international tax law. FBAR is an information return concerning foreign assets, which necessarily involves US international tax compliance concerning foreign assets/foreign income. Moreover, ever since the FBAR enforcement was turned over to the IRS in 2001, the term FBAR attorney applies almost exclusively to tax attorneys.

Hence, when you look for an FBAR attorney, you are looking for an international tax attorney with a specialty in FBAR compliance.

Reston FBAR Attorney: Deep Knowledge of US International Tax Law and Offshore Voluntary Disclosures

When retaining Reston FBAR attorney, consider the fact that such an attorney’s work is not limited only to the preparation and filing of FBARs. Rather, the attorney should be able to deliver a variety of tax services and freely operate with experience and knowledge in all relevant areas of US international tax law, including the various offshore voluntary disclosure options concerning delinquent FBARs.

Moreover, as part of an offshore voluntary disclosure, an FBAR Attorney often needs to amend US tax returns, properly prepare foreign financial statements according to US GAAP, correctly calculate PFICs, and complete an innumerable number of other tasks.

Mr. Sherayzen and his team of motivated experienced tax professionals of Sherayzen Law Office have helped hundreds of US taxpayers worldwide to bring their tax affairs into full compliance with US tax laws. This work included the preparation and filing of offshore voluntary disclosures concerning delinquent FBARs. Sherayzen Law Office offers help with all kinds of offshore voluntary disclosure options, including: SDOP (Streamlined Domestic Offshore Procedures)SFOP (Streamlined Foreign Offshore Procedures)DFSP (Delinquent FBAR Submission Procedures), DIIRSP (Delinquent International Information Return Submission Procedures), IRS VDP (IRS Voluntary Disclosure Practice) and Reasonable Cause disclosures.

Reston FBAR Attorney: Out-Of-State International Tax Lawyer

Whenever you are looking for an attorney who specializes in US international tax law (which is a federal area of law, not a state one), you do not need to limit yourself to lawyers who reside in Reston, Virginia. On the contrary, consider international tax attorneys who reside in other states and help Reston residents with their FBAR compliance.

Contact Sherayzen Law Office for Professional FBAR Help

Sherayzen Law Office is an international tax law firm that specializes in US international tax compliance, including FBARs. While our office is in Minneapolis, Minnesota, we help taxpayers who reside throughout the United States, including Reston, Virginia. Thus, if you are looking for a Reston FBAR Attorney, contact Mr. Sherayzen as soon as possible to schedule Your Confidential Consultation!

Chantilly FBAR Attorney | International Tax Lawyers Virginia

If you reside in Chantilly, Virginia and have unreported foreign bank and financial accounts, you may be looking for a Chantilly FBAR Attorney.  In this case, you should contact Sherayzen Law Office, Ltd., a leader in FBAR compliance, including offshore voluntary disclosures concerning delinquent. Let’s consider the main reasons for it.

Chantilly FBAR Attorney: International Tax Lawyer

From the outset, it is very important to understand that, by looking for Chantilly FBAR attorney, in reality, you are searching for an international tax lawyer who specializes in FBAR compliance.

The reason for this conclusion is the fact that FBAR enforcement belongs to a very special field of US tax law – US international tax law. FBAR is an information return concerning foreign assets, which necessarily involves US international tax compliance concerning foreign assets/foreign income. Moreover, ever since the FBAR enforcement was turned over to the IRS in 2001, the term FBAR attorney applies almost exclusively to tax attorneys.

Hence, when you look for an FBAR attorney, you are looking for an international tax attorney with a specialty in FBAR compliance.

Chantilly FBAR Attorney: Deep Knowledge of US International Tax Law and Offshore Voluntary Disclosures

When retaining Chantilly FBAR attorney, consider the fact that such an attorney’s work is not limited only to the preparation and filing of FBARs. Rather, the attorney should be able to deliver a variety of tax services and freely operate with experience and knowledge in all relevant areas of US international tax law, including the various offshore voluntary disclosure options concerning delinquent FBARs.

Moreover, as part of an offshore voluntary disclosure, an FBAR Attorney often needs to amend US tax returns, properly prepare foreign financial statements according to US GAAP, correctly calculate PFICs, and complete an innumerable number of other tasks.

Mr. Sherayzen and his team of motivated experienced tax professionals of Sherayzen Law Office have helped hundreds of US taxpayers worldwide to bring their tax affairs into full compliance with US tax laws. This work included the preparation and filing of offshore voluntary disclosures concerning delinquent FBARs. Sherayzen Law Office offers help with all kinds of offshore voluntary disclosure options, including: SDOP (Streamlined Domestic Offshore Procedures)SFOP (Streamlined Foreign Offshore Procedures)DFSP (Delinquent FBAR Submission Procedures), DIIRSP (Delinquent International Information Return Submission Procedures), IRS VDP (IRS Voluntary Disclosure Practice) and Reasonable Cause disclosures.

Chantilly FBAR Attorney: Out-Of-State International Tax Lawyer

Whenever you are looking for an attorney who specializes in US international tax law (which is a federal area of law, not a state one), you do not need to limit yourself to lawyers who reside in Chantilly, Virginia. On the contrary, consider international tax attorneys who reside in other states and help Chantilly residents with their FBAR compliance.

Contact Sherayzen Law Office for Professional FBAR Help

Sherayzen Law Office is an international tax law firm that specializes in US international tax compliance, including FBARs. While our office is in Minneapolis, Minnesota, we help taxpayers who reside throughout the United States, including Chantilly, Virginia. Thus, if you are looking for a Chantilly FBAR Attorney, contact Mr. Sherayzen as soon as possible to schedule Your Confidential Consultation!

Kirkland FBAR Attorney | International Tax Lawyers Washington

If you reside in Kirkland, Washington and have unreported foreign bank and financial accounts, you may be looking for a Kirkland FBAR Attorney.  In this case, you should contact Sherayzen Law Office, Ltd., a leader in FBAR compliance, including offshore voluntary disclosures concerning delinquent. Let’s consider the main reasons for it.

Kirkland FBAR Attorney: International Tax Lawyer

From the outset, it is very important to understand that, by looking for Kirkland FBAR attorney, in reality, you are searching for an international tax lawyer who specializes in FBAR compliance.

The reason for this conclusion is the fact that FBAR enforcement belongs to a very special field of US tax law – US international tax law. FBAR is an information return concerning foreign assets, which necessarily involves US international tax compliance concerning foreign assets/foreign income. Moreover, ever since the FBAR enforcement was turned over to the IRS in 2001, the term FBAR attorney applies almost exclusively to tax attorneys.

Hence, when you look for an FBAR attorney, you are looking for an international tax attorney with a specialty in FBAR compliance.

Kirkland FBAR Attorney: Deep Knowledge of US International Tax Law and Offshore Voluntary Disclosures

When retaining Kirkland FBAR attorney, consider the fact that such an attorney’s work is not limited only to the preparation and filing of FBARs. Rather, the attorney should be able to deliver a variety of tax services and freely operate with experience and knowledge in all relevant areas of US international tax law, including the various offshore voluntary disclosure options concerning delinquent FBARs.

Moreover, as part of an offshore voluntary disclosure, an FBAR Attorney often needs to amend US tax returns, properly prepare foreign financial statements according to US GAAP, correctly calculate PFICs, and complete an innumerable number of other tasks.

Mr. Sherayzen and his team of motivated experienced tax professionals of Sherayzen Law Office have helped hundreds of US taxpayers worldwide to bring their tax affairs into full compliance with US tax laws. This work included the preparation and filing of offshore voluntary disclosures concerning delinquent FBARs. Sherayzen Law Office offers help with all kinds of offshore voluntary disclosure options, including: SDOP (Streamlined Domestic Offshore Procedures)SFOP (Streamlined Foreign Offshore Procedures)DFSP (Delinquent FBAR Submission Procedures), DIIRSP (Delinquent International Information Return Submission Procedures), IRS VDP (IRS Voluntary Disclosure Practice) and Reasonable Cause disclosures.

Kirkland FBAR Attorney: Out-Of-State International Tax Lawyer

Whenever you are looking for an attorney who specializes in US international tax law (which is a federal area of law, not a state one), you do not need to limit yourself to lawyers who reside in Kirkland, Washington. On the contrary, consider international tax attorneys who reside in other states and help Kirkland residents with their FBAR compliance.

Contact Sherayzen Law Office for Professional FBAR Help

Sherayzen Law Office is an international tax law firm that specializes in US international tax compliance, including FBARs. While our office is in Minneapolis, Minnesota, we help taxpayers who reside throughout the United States, including Kirkland, Washington.

Thus, if you are looking for a Kirkland FBAR Attorney, contact Mr. Sherayzen as soon as possible to schedule Your Confidential Consultation!

Kansas City FBAR Attorney | International Tax Lawyers Missouri

If you reside in Kansas City, Missouri and have unreported foreign bank and financial accounts, you may be looking for a Kansas City FBAR Attorney.  In this case, you should contact Sherayzen Law Office, Ltd., a leader in FBAR compliance, including offshore voluntary disclosures concerning delinquent. Let’s consider the main reasons for it.

Kansas City FBAR Attorney: International Tax Lawyer

From the outset, it is very important to understand that, by looking for Kansas City FBAR attorney, in reality, you are searching for an international tax lawyer who specializes in FBAR compliance.

The reason for this conclusion is the fact that FBAR enforcement belongs to a very special field of US tax law – US international tax law. FBAR is an information return concerning foreign assets, which necessarily involves US international tax compliance concerning foreign assets/foreign income. Moreover, ever since the FBAR enforcement was turned over to the IRS in 2001, the term FBAR attorney applies almost exclusively to tax attorneys.

Hence, when you look for an FBAR attorney, you are looking for an international tax attorney with a specialty in FBAR compliance.

Kansas City FBAR Attorney: Deep Knowledge of US International Tax Law and Offshore Voluntary Disclosures

When retaining Kansas City FBAR attorney, consider the fact that such an attorney’s work is not limited only to the preparation and filing of FBARs. Rather, the attorney should be able to deliver a variety of tax services and freely operate with experience and knowledge in all relevant areas of US international tax law, including the various offshore voluntary disclosure options concerning delinquent FBARs.

Moreover, as part of an offshore voluntary disclosure, an FBAR Attorney often needs to amend US tax returns, properly prepare foreign financial statements according to US GAAP, correctly calculate PFICs, and complete an innumerable number of other tasks.

Mr. Sherayzen and his team of motivated experienced tax professionals of Sherayzen Law Office have helped hundreds of US taxpayers worldwide to bring their tax affairs into full compliance with US tax laws. This work included the preparation and filing of offshore voluntary disclosures concerning delinquent FBARs. Sherayzen Law Office offers help with all kinds of offshore voluntary disclosure options, including: SDOP (Streamlined Domestic Offshore Procedures)SFOP (Streamlined Foreign Offshore Procedures)DFSP (Delinquent FBAR Submission Procedures), DIIRSP (Delinquent International Information Return Submission Procedures), IRS VDP (IRS Voluntary Disclosure Practice) and Reasonable Cause disclosures.

Kansas City FBAR Attorney: Out-Of-State International Tax Lawyer

Whenever you are looking for an attorney who specializes in US international tax law (which is a federal area of law, not a state one), you do not need to limit yourself to lawyers who reside in Kansas City, Missouri. On the contrary, consider international tax attorneys who reside in other states and help Kansas City residents with their FBAR compliance.

Contact Sherayzen Law Office for Professional FBAR Help

Sherayzen Law Office is an international tax law firm that specializes in US international tax compliance, including FBARs. While our office is in Minneapolis, Minnesota, we help taxpayers who reside throughout the United States, including Kansas City, Missouri.

Thus, if you are looking for a Kansas City FBAR Attorney, contact Mr. Sherayzen as soon as possible to schedule Your Confidential Consultation!