
Boston Foreign Trust Lawyer | International Tax Attorney

Bostonians who are beneficiaries or owners of a foreign trust face a large number of very complex US tax requirements. Failure to properly identify and comply with these requirements may result in imposition of severe tax penalties. For this reason, these Bostonians need to secure the help of a Boston Foreign Trust Lawyer in order to assure timely and correct compliance with all of the US tax requirements associated with foreign trusts. How does one choose the right Boston Foreign Trust Lawyer? Who is considered to be a Boston Foreign Trust Lawyer? Answering these two questions is the purpose of this article.

Boston Foreign Trust Lawyer Definition: Legal Foreign Trust Services Provided in Boston, Massachusetts

In order to answer a question about who is considered to be a Boston Foreign Trust Lawyer, it is important to first explore the legal origin of the foreign trust laws for which the compliance is required. Since Form 3520, Form 3520-A, Form 8938 and all other related forms are administered by the US Department of Treasury, it becomes clear that Bostonian foreign trust owners and foreign trust beneficiaries are dealing with federal law, not just the local state or city laws.

This means that any international tax lawyer who is licensed to practice in any state of the United States can offer his foreign trust tax services in Massachusetts – i.e. the physical presence in Boston, Massachusetts, is not necessary.

This conclusion clarifies the definition of a Boston Foreign Trust Lawyer. First, the definition includes all of the international tax lawyers who reside in Boston. Second, the definition extends to all US international tax lawyers who offer their tax services with respect to foreign trust compliance who reside outside of Boston or even the State of Massachusetts. This means that your lawyer can physically reside in Minneapolis and still be considered as a Boston Foreign Trust Lawyer.

Boston Foreign Trust Lawyer Must Be an International Tax Lawyer

Throughout the last paragraph, I repeatedly referred to “international tax lawyers”. This is not accidental; on the contrary, it was intentional – a Boston Foreign Trust Lawyer should be an international tax lawyer whose main area of practice is US international tax law and who deeply knows various international tax provisions related to US foreign trust tax compliance.

Where does such a strict competence criteria come from? As it was explained above, US foreign trust compliance is part of a much larger US federal law. However, this is a very specific part of US federal law – US international tax law. We can see now why only an international tax lawyer can be a Boston Foreign Trust Lawyer.

Sherayzen Law Office Can Be Your Boston Foreign Trust Lawyer

Sherayzen Law Office is an international tax law firm that specializes US international tax compliance, including foreign trusts. Its legal team, headed by international tax lawyer Eugene Sherayzen, Esq., has extensive experience concerning all major relevant areas of US international tax law relevant to foreign trust compliance including Form 3520, Form 3520-A, foreign business ownership by a foreign trust, FBAR and FATCA compliance and other relevant requirements.

This is why, if you are looking for a Boston Foreign Trust Lawyer, contact Sherayzen Law Office today to schedule Your Confidential Consultation!

Outbound Foreign Trust: An Introduction

One of the most fundamental distinctions in US foreign trust law is the difference between an inbound foreign trust and an outbound foreign trust. This distinction was emphasized by the landmark piece of legislation “The Small Business Job Protection Act of 1996″ and should be clearly understood by US tax lawyers as well as US grantors and US beneficiaries of a foreign trust.

Definition of an Outbound Foreign Trust

In order for a foreign trust to be deemed “outbound”, two conditions must be satisfied. First, the trust was created through the transfer of assets by a US person. Second, the trust must be a foreign trust or a domestic trust that later became a foreign trust.

Obviously, a transfer by a foreign person of exclusively foreign assets to a foreign trust which has only foreign beneficiaries is completely irrelevant because there is no nexus with the United States (hence, the foreign trust is not subject to taxation in the United States).

Two Areas of Special Importance of an Outbound Foreign Trust

There are two particular areas of special interest for international tax lawyers with respect to an outbound foreign trust. First, the grantor trust rule under IRC (Internal Revenue Code) Section 679. In general, where a US grantor transfers property to a foreign trust, IRC Section 679 taxes the US grantor as the owner of any portion of a foreign trust attributable to the transferred property in any year in which the trust has a US beneficiary. This is a complex rule that deserves special treatment in a separate article.

The second area of special importance with respect to outbound foreign trusts is the taxation of the transfer of appreciated assets to a nongrantor foreign trust under IRC Section 684 and the excise tax under the already-repealed IRC Sections 1491-1494. Again, this is a topic that should be discussed in a separate article; I just wanted the readers to be aware of the existence of this rule.

Obviously, there are other highly important tax issues associated with an outbound foreign trust, but these issues are usually discussed in conjunction with an inbound foreign trust, taxation of foreign trusts in general, or they are similar to taxation of US domestic trusts.

Contact Sherayzen Law Office for Help With Respect to US Taxation of an Outbound Foreign Trust

The US tax issues associated with foreign trusts in general and an outbound foreign trust in particular are immensely complex. This is why, if you are a US person who is considered to be an owner or a beneficiary of an outbound foreign trust, you should contact Sherayzen Law Office for help with your US tax compliance and planning with respect to this outbound foreign trust.

Contact US Today to Schedule Your Confidential Consultation!