
San Francisco International Tax Lawyer: Influence of Location

While looking for a San Francisco international tax lawyer, one of the important issues that clients face is whether it is better to retain an international tax attorney in San Francisco or in Minneapolis if you live in San Francisco? If you were to search “San Francisco international tax lawyer”, Sherayzen Law Office, Ltd. (which is based in Minneapolis) is likely to come out on the first page together with other international tax attorneys in San Francisco. The question is: should the geographical proximity of an attorney play a role in the retainer decision?

The answer depends on many factors. On the one extreme, if you are looking for a sales tax lawyer, then you may not have a choice but to find a local lawyer. This is because local law and procedure would govern in this case, and an lawyer familiar with local sales tax issues would be the best choice for handling a sales tax case. Of course, even in this case, there are exceptions because, sometimes, the unique qualities of an outside lawyer are so desirable by the client that the court may accede in temporarily admitting this outside lawyer to practice just for one case.

One the other end of the spectrum, if you are searching for a San Francisco international tax lawyer because you have undeclared offshore accounts, then the knowledge of local law and procedure are likely to be of very little value. Instead, the experience and knowledge of a lawyer in his area of practice (i.e. international tax law) will become the overriding factors in retaining a San Francisco international tax lawyer.

What if you have an international tax lawyer in San Francisco, do you still want to consider an attorney in Minneapolis? The answer is “yes” – for two reasons. First, international tax lawyers differ in their natural ability to identify problems and find solutions, creativity, advocacy and many other factors. Therefore, there is no reason to stay away from a better international tax lawyer in Minneapolis even if there is a lawyer in San Francisco.

Second, in addition to differences in personal qualities, the experience of the international tax lawyer in the international tax sub-area that you need and the ability to analyze the specific subject matter in the broader context are very important factors in retaining the lawyer and should override the lawyer’s particular geography.

What is a fairly unique feature about Sherayzen Law Office is that we can handle the entire case internally – both, the legal and the accounting sides of it. Most San Francisco international tax lawyers in this area of law do not do that and rely on the outside accountant to provide such additional services. The outsourcing approach has various disadvantages, including potential leak of information, lack of close coordination between both sides of the case, increased possibility of missed opportunities and absence of the unity of goal among the professionals who are preoccupied with their respective areas only. The approach adopted by Sherayzen Law Office is aimed to reduce and eliminate such problems.

So, the next time you search for a San Francisco international tax lawyer, keep these issues in mind while retaining a lawyer from Minneapolis or any other city.

Contact Sherayzen Law Office for Help With International Tax Issues

If you have any international tax issues with respect to undeclared foreign assets, international tax compliance or international tax planning, contact Eugene Sherayzen, an experienced tax attorney of Sherayzen Law Office for comprehensive legal and tax help.