
Business Lawyers Minneapolis: Preparing for Initial Consultation II

In previous article, I discussed what type of information you should bring to your Minneapolis business attorney. In this essay, I shift the focus toward the second part of the preparation which is about what type of questions you need to ask your business lawyer.

Usually, the questions that you want your Minneapolis business lawyer to answer should, at the very least, cover the following four areas:

1.    Cost and Billing

The most common and important issue is the cost of the case as well as the manner in which you will be billed.  Unless this is a flat-fee case, you should not expect your business attorney to give you a precise amount of money you will need to spend on your case.  Usually, a Minneapolis business lawyer will give you an estimate, which, in the end, may or may not correspond to the actual cost of the case.

In terms of the manner of billing, you are likely to billed per hour in most business litigation and large business transaction matters. Small contracts and certain common-place business services are often subject to a flat fee with an additional hourly fee charged in case of further modifications as requested by a client.

2.     Time

The next area you should discuss with your Minneapolis business attorney is how long the case will need to be conducted.   The estimates here are likely to vary significantly.   While it is often fairly easy to predict when an employment contract will be finished, it is much harder to estimate an amount of time a business litigation case may take (especially if an extensive motion practice is anticipated).

3.    Participation

Ask your Minneapolis business lawyer about who will handle your case – i.e. whether the attorney will handle it personally or turn it over to his associates.  When you are dealing with a large law firm, you run the risk that the attorney with whom you are having the initial consultation will not be the one handling your case, especially if you are a small business or an individual.  Due to common division of labor in large law firms, it is very likely that the case will be turned over to inexperienced associates whose work will be only reviewed by the attorney who conducted the initial consultation.

If, however, you are hiring a small firm or a solo practitioner, you are very likely to avoid this problem and your case will be handled from the beginning through the end by your experienced business lawyer who is probably an owner of the law firm and personally responsible for the case.

4.     Percentage of Practice

The last question is how much time per month, on the average, your Minneapolis business attorney devotes to his business practice.  At a minimum, your business lawyer should devote about 25% of his practice to business law.


While these four questions do not represent a complete list of questions you should ask your business attorney, they are likely to provide that minimum background necessary for the review of a retainer agreement with your Minneapolis business lawyer.

Sherayzen Law Office can help you with your business issues, whether you want to establish a new business, create a legal structure for an existing one, draft an employment contract or an Independent Contractor Agreement, engage in complex business planning, litigate a business dispute, and so on.

Contact Sherayzen Law Office to discuss your business case with an experienced business attorney!