
Start-Up Year PFIC Exception | International Tax Lawyer & Attorney

Passive Foreign Investment Company (PFIC) classification of a foreign corporation may have highly undesirable consequences for its US shareholders.  In addition to high PFIC tax, these taxpayers face expensive and burdensome tax reporting requirements.  This is why US taxpayers and their tax advisers generally try to avoid PFIC designation.  This article explores a possible way to do so by utilizing the Start-Up Year PFIC Exception.

Start-Up Year PFIC Exception: PFIC Background Information

PFIC law is a powerful anti-deferral tax regime. PFIC rules are meant to discourage US investment in PFIC companies by eliminating real or perceived benefits of such an investment.

Any company that meets either the income test or the asset test set forth in 26 USC §1297(a) would generally be considered a PFIC for US tax purposes.  This means that it would subject to taxation based on: (a) default IRC §1291 Fund regime; (b) Qualified Election fund (QEF) regime; or (c) Mark-to-Market (MTM) regime.  All of these methods are punitive in one form or another.

PFICs are reported on Forms 8621. Reporting under IRC §1291 method may prevent a taxpayer from e-filing his US tax returns.

In some cases, even if a corporation meets a PFIC test, it may still avoid PFIC treatment if it meets one of the exceptions.  Start-UP Year PFIC exception is one of them.

Start-Up Year PFIC Exception: Purpose

The legislative history explains that the purpose behind this exception is to avoid PFIC designation for a business that will engage in active business operations but has mostly passive income in its first year.  Staff of the Jt. Comm. on Taxation, General Explanation of the Tax Reform Act of 1986, at 1026 (JCS-10-87) (May 4, 1987) (1986 Bluebook).

Start-Up Year PFIC Exception: Main Test

26 USC §1298(b)(2) sets forth the Start-Up Year Exception. It states that, if a corporation would otherwise be a PFIC in its start-up year, it would not be treated as a PFIC in that year if it means the following test:

  1. No predecessor corporation was a PFIC;
  2. It is established to the IRS’s satisfaction that the corporation will not be a PFIC in either of the two years following the start-up year; and
  3. The corporation is not, in fact, a PFIC for either succeeding year.

Despite its apparent simplicity, this test contains important complications.

Start-Up Year PFIC Exception: What is “Start-Up Year”

The first complication arises from the definition of “Start-Up Year”. 26 USC §1298(b) defines this term as the first taxable year in which a corporation earns gross income. In other words, “start-up year” may not actually mean the first year of the corporation’s existence, because a corporation may exist without any income.

What if the corporation has gross income but incurs a net loss? In my opinion, this would qualify as a “start-up year”.

What if the corporation has no gross income whatsoever and just incurs a loss? In my opinion, there is sufficient basis for the argument, based on the strict interpretation of statutory language, that this is still not “start-up year”.

Start-Up Year PFIC Exception: Danger of Prior Interaction With the Asset Test

Another related complication is the fact that this PFIC exception would not apply where a foreign corporation would satisfy the PFIC asset test in a prior year.

For example, let’s suppose that, for the first two years of its existence, a foreign corporation earns no income whatsoever. Since no income is earned, the Start-UP Year PFIC exception would not apply here yet.  If, in one of those years, the corporation satisfies the PFIC asset test, then this corporation would become a PFIC.  This means that, even if the Start-Up Year PFIC exception satisfied in year three, it would not be applicable, because the corporation is already a PFIC under the “once a PFIC, always a PFIC” rule. For example, see 2002 WL 1315676.

Start-Up Year PFIC Exception Only Applies For One Year

The other complication concerning this exception is the fact that it is limited to one year only. This could even mean a short year of one day. In other words, a corporation can only use it once to escape PFIC designation.

Start-Up Year PFIC Exception: Parent Holding Company

The interaction of the exception with the subsidiary look-through rule (which I will explore more in a future article) is very interesting. While it appears that the IRS has not issued any direct guidance on this issue, my analysis shows that the Start-Up Year PFIC exception can be extended to the parent holding company of a start-up corporation under the subsidiary look-through rule.

This conclusion, however, depends very much on the actual fact pattern.  For example, if a foreign holding company is established at the same time as the start-up corporation and the holding company only has its subsidiary’s stock as its asset, then it is very likely that the Start-Up Year PFIC exception would be extended to the holding company.

Contact Sherayzen Law Office for Professional Help With US International Tax

Start-Up Year PFIC Exception is one of the innumerable intricacies of the highly complex US international tax law.  This is why you need to contact Sherayzen Law Office for professional help with US international tax compliance.

Sherayzen Law Office is a leader in US international tax compliance and planning, including PFIC compliance.  We have a profound knowledge of and extensive experience with US international tax law.  We can help you!

Contact Us Today to Schedule Your Confidential Consultation!

PFIC Compliance: Introduction | International Tax Lawyer & Attorney

In the intricate realm of US international tax law, few areas are as challenging and potentially costly as PFIC compliance. Understanding the nuances of Passive Foreign Investment Companies (PFICs) is crucial for US taxpayers with foreign investments. This article provides an introduction to PFIC compliance, outlining key concepts and reporting requirements.

What is PFIC Compliance?

PFIC compliance refers to adhering to the US tax rules and reporting requirements for Passive Foreign Investment Companies. A PFIC is a foreign corporation that meets one of the following tests:

  1. Income Test: 75% or more of its gross income is passive income
  2. Asset Test: 50% or more of its assets generate passive income or are held for the production of passive income

Passive income typically includes dividends, interest, royalties, rental income (unless renting is the active business of the corporation) and capital gains.

The Importance of PFIC Compliance

PFIC compliance is a critical issue for US taxpayers, because the tax consequences of owning PFICs can be severe. The US tax code imposes punitive tax rates and interest charges on certain PFIC distributions and gains, making this area of US tax compliance a high-stakes area of tax law.

Key Aspects of PFIC Compliance

1. Identification: The first step is to identify whether you own any PFICs. This is not an easy process, but, generally speaking, all foreign mutual funds and ETFs are almost automatically PFICs.
2. Annual Reporting: A taxpayer must disclose the ownership and income from PFICs annually on Form 8621 for each PFIC owned. Actually, each block of each PFIC will require a separate Form 8621.
3. Tax Calculations: Depending on the chosen PFIC regime, complex calculations may be necessary to determine the tax owed on PFIC income.
4. Record Keeping: Meticulous record-keeping of all PFIC transactions and values is an absolute must for proper PFIC reporting.

PFIC Compliance Regimes

There are three main tax PFIC reporting regimes (there are other regimes, but we will not deal with them in this article, because these regimes come into effect only in special cases):

1. IRC Section 1291 Fund (Default Method): This is the default PFIC calculation regime which may result in a high tax burden with distributions and gains taxed at the highest ordinary income rate plus an interest charge (called “PFIC interest”).

2. Qualified Electing Fund (QEF): This PFIC regime requires an election and cooperation from the foreign corporation but can result in more favorable tax treatment. Unfortunately, the cooperation from the foreign corporation is going to be the most difficult part.
3. Mark-to-Market (MTM): This is another PFIC regime that requires an election. It is available for marketable PFIC stock only and involves annual recognition of gains or losses, even in situations where a PFIC is not sold.

Common Challenges in PFIC Compliance

US tax reporting concerning PFICs presents several challenges:
1. Identification: Many taxpayers are unaware of the fact that they own PFICs, leading to inadvertent noncompliance. A failure to properly identify PFICs often forms the basis for a subsequence offshore voluntary disclosure.
2. Complexity: PFIC rules are highly complex and often require professional assistance from an international tax law firm, such as Sherayzen Law Office.
3. Information Gathering: Obtaining the necessary information for proper PFIC reporting can be difficult, especially in cases where PFICs have been held for many years.
4. Retroactive Compliance: Addressing past noncompliance can be particularly complex and costly. This point is especially important in a context of an IRS offshore voluntary disclosure, such as Streamlined Domestic Offshore Procedures or Streamlined Foreign Offshore Procedures.

PFIC Compliance Penalties

A failure to properly report PFICs can result in significant penalties:
1. Failure to file Form 8621 can result in the extension of the statute of limitations.
2. Substantial understatement penalties may apply if PFIC income is not properly reported.
3. In severe cases, criminal penalties could be imposed for willful noncompliance.

PFIC Compliance for Specific Situations

Taxpayers should be aware that different scenarios may require unique approaches to PFIC compliance. Here are a few common examples:
1. Inherited PFICs: Special rules apply when PFICs are acquired through inheritance.
2. PFICs Held in Foreign Pensions: The interaction between PFIC rules and foreign pension regulations can be complex.
3. PFICs Owned Through Partnerships: Additional reporting may be required for PFICs owned indirectly through partnerships.

Contact Sherayzen Law Office for Professional Help with PFICs

Navigating the complexities of PFIC compliance can be daunting for any taxpayer. This is why you need to contact Sherayzen Law Office for help. We are a leading firm in PFIC compliance in the United States. Our deep understanding of international tax law and extensive experience in PFIC matters allows us to help ensure your PFIC compliance is accurate and up-to-date.

Whether you’re dealing with PFIC identification, annual reporting, or addressing past noncompliance, Sherayzen Law Office provides tailored solutions to meet your specific needs. Our team of specialists can guide you through the intricacies of PFIC tax regimes, help you choose the most advantageous compliance method and assist with complex calculations and reporting requirements.

We have helped hundreds of US taxpayers around the world to resolve past PFIC noncompliance in the context of an IRS offshore voluntary disclosure option, such Streamlined Domestic Offshore Procedures, Streamlined Foreign Offshore Procedures, Delinquent International Information Return Submission Procedures, et cetera. We can help you!

Contact Us Today to Schedule Your Confidential Consultation!