FATCA, Form 8938 and TD F 90-22.1 Disclosure: Making Informed Decisions

The past decade brought on a wave of new international tax legislation as well as unprecedented enforcement of older tax laws. From FinCEN Form 114 (formerly Form TD F 90-22.1) (commonly known as “FBAR”) to new FATCA legislation that led to the creation of Form 8938, the current US tax regime with respect to international obligations of US persons has become so complex that it is almost impossible to navigate it for most taxpayers without the professional help of international tax lawyers.

Increasing Complexity of US Tax Laws Requires International Tax Attorney Involvement

With increased complexity of the international tax landscape, the chance of running afoul some US tax rule has become very, very high. Since international tax laws are usually associated with high non-compliance penalties, the taxpayers need to make an informed decision on how to deal with their prior tax non-compliance.

Nowhere is the urgency and necessity of making informed decisions is so high as when it comes to FBARs and Form 8938, primarily because of draconian penalties associated with failure to file these forms Form 114 (formerly TD F 90-22.1). The ability to analyze the fact pattern, spot all the issues and identify available options based on experience are crucial in this esoteric area of law and the international tax attorneys experienced in voluntary disclosures should be handling such cases.

Choosing the Right Attorney is a Challenge

Unfortunately, it is precisely in this area that there is a serious obstacle to getting the necessary information to make an informed decision. The obstacle is that there is a tremendously small number of international tax attorneys who practice in this area of law and these professionals are shielded by a mass of inexperienced and unqualified attorneys and especially accountants.

It is virtually impossible for taxpayers to state with certainty who is the right lawyer for their case. A lot of taxpayers immediately fall into the trap of going to their accountants to do a voluntary disclosure. In a prior article, I already explained why this could be present a huge problem for the taxpayers.

Other taxpayers correctly realized that they need a tax attorney to get help with their voluntary disclosure. However, some of these taxpayers often make a mistake of hiring a tax lawyer who is not practicing international tax law.

Some taxpayers fall into the “local” trap where they choose an attorney because he or she is in their state or town, not because the attorney is an international tax attorney or experienced in the area of voluntary disclosures.

You Should Choose an International Tax Lawyer Experienced in Form 8938 (FATCA) and FBAR Voluntary Disclosure

In order to make an informed decision, the taxpayers who have undisclosed foreign assets should contact an international tax attorney who is experienced in the are of voluntary disclosures.

Sherayzen Law Office is an international tax law firm that is highly experienced in the area of voluntary disclosures involving FBARs and Forms 8938. Owner Eugene Sherayzen is an experienced international tax attorney who will thoroughly analyze your case, identify all relevant issues, provide accurate estimates of your FBAR and Form 8938 liability, and propose creative legal voluntary disclosure options.

Contact Sherayzen Law Office for help with FBARs and Form 8938.