
Colorado Springs FBAR Tax Attorney | International Tax Lawyer Colorado

If you reside in Colorado Springs, Colorado, and have unreported foreign bank and financial accounts, you may be looking for a Colorado Springs FBAR Tax Attorney.  Sherayzen Law Office, Ltd. is a leader in FBAR compliance, including offshore voluntary disclosures concerning delinquent FBARs, and you should consider us in your search. Let’s understand why this is the case.

Colorado Springs FBAR Tax Attorney: International Tax Lawyer

First of all, it is very important to understand that, by looking for Colorado Springs FBAR Tax Attorney, in reality, you are searching for an international tax lawyer who specializes in FBAR compliance.

The reason for this conclusion is the fact that FBAR enforcement belongs to a very special field of US tax law – US international tax law. FBAR is an information return concerning foreign assets, which necessarily involves US international tax compliance concerning foreign assets/foreign income. Moreover, ever since the FBAR enforcement was turned over to the IRS in 2001, the term FBAR attorney applies almost exclusively to tax attorneys.

Hence, when you look for an FBAR attorney, you are looking for an international tax attorney with a specialty in FBAR compliance.

Colorado Springs FBAR Tax Attorney: Broad Scope of Compliance and Offshore Voluntary Disclosures

When retaining a Colorado Springs FBAR Tax Attorney, consider the fact that such an attorney’s work is not limited to the preparation and filing of FBARs. Rather, the attorney should be able to deliver a variety of tax services and freely operate with experience and knowledge in all relevant areas of US international tax law, including the various offshore voluntary disclosure options concerning delinquent FBARs.

Moreover, as part of an offshore voluntary disclosure, an FBAR Attorney often needs to amend US tax returns, properly prepare foreign financial statements according to US GAAP, correctly calculate PFICs, and complete an innumerable number of other tasks.

Mr. Sherayzen and his team of motivated experienced tax professionals of Sherayzen Law Office have helped hundreds of US taxpayers worldwide to bring their tax affairs into full compliance with US tax laws. This work included the preparation and filing of offshore voluntary disclosures concerning delinquent FBARs. Sherayzen Law Office offers help with all kinds of offshore voluntary disclosure options, including: SDOP (Streamlined Domestic Offshore Procedures)SFOP (Streamlined Foreign Offshore Procedures)DFSP (Delinquent FBAR Submission Procedures), DIIRSP (Delinquent International Information Return Submission Procedures), IRS VDP (IRS Voluntary Disclosure Practice) and Reasonable Cause disclosures.

Colorado Springs FBAR Tax Attorney: Out-Of-State International Tax Lawyer

Whenever you are looking for an attorney who specializes in US international tax law (which is a federal area of law, not a state one), you do not need to limit yourself to lawyers who reside in Colorado Springs, Colorado. On the contrary, consider international tax attorneys who reside in other states and help Colorado Springs residents with their FBAR compliance.

Contact Sherayzen Law Office for Professional FBAR Help

Sherayzen Law Office is an international tax law firm that specializes in US international tax compliance, including FBARs. While our office is in Minneapolis, Minnesota, we help taxpayers who reside throughout the United States, including Colorado Springs, Colorado. We can help with annual FBAR compliance, FBAR compliance in combination with other international tax forms as well as offshore voluntary disclosures.

Thus, if you are looking for a Colorado Springs FBAR Tax Attorney, contact Mr. Sherayzen as soon as possible to schedule Your Confidential Consultation!

New FBAR Filing Verification Submission Process | FBAR Lawyer & Attorney

On November 19, 2019, the IRS announced changes to the current FBAR filing verification submission process. The change is technical, but not without importance.

New FBAR Filing Verification Submission Process: FBAR Background Information

FBAR is a common name for FinCEN Form 114 (formerly known as TD F 90-22.1), Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts. US Persons must use this form to report their ownership of or signatory authority or any other authority over foreign bank and financial accounts as long as these accounts’ aggregate balance exceeds the FBAR filing threshold. Despite its official name, the IRS has administered the form since 2001, not FinCEN.

FBAR is one of the most important US international information returns. FBAR noncompliance may lead to the imposition of severe civil and criminal penalties. Hence, it is of absolute importance for US persons to timely and properly file this form.

New FBAR Filing Verification Submission Process: Rules Prior to November 19 2019

Prior to November 19, 2019, US persons who wanted to verify whether their FBARs were filed could obtain the relevant information for up to five FBARs by simply calling 1-866-270-0733 (the IRS FBAR Hotline) and selecting option 1. IRM In this case, the IRS representatives would provide the verbal verification for free. The filers could make this request sixty days after the date of filing. Id.

If, however, a filer wished to request information concerning more than five forms or he wanted to obtain paper copies of filed FBARs, then he would need to do so in writing. For written verifications, there was a $5.00 fee for verifying five or fewer forms and a $1.00 fee for each additional form. Id. The IRS charged $0.15 per copy of the entire FBAR. Id. Written requests should have been accompanied by payment in accordance with IRM

New FBAR Filing Verification Submission Process: New November 19 2019 Rules

On November 19, 2019, the IRS issued a memorandum which contained interim guidance concerning the process by which the IRS would accept the requests for FBAR filing verifications. The memorandum introduced the following revisions to the FBAR filing verification process.

Effective as of the date of this memorandum, the IRS no longer accepts verbal verification requests; all requests must be submitted in writing. Hence, the existing fee structure in IRM now applies to all verification requests.

The IRS has stated that this procedural change is necessary to provide documentary evidence of all verification inquiries and IRS response to them. This new interim guidance will be incorporated into IRM 4.26.16 within the next two years from the date of issuance of the memorandum.

New FBAR Filing Verification Submission Process: Making a Proper Written Request

The written request for FBAR filing verification should include the filer’s name, Taxpayer Identification Number, and filing period(s). Tax practitioners requesting verifications for their clients must also make these requests in writing, and provide a copy of the Form 2848, Power of Attorney and Declaration of Representative, authorizing them to receive the FBAR information. The same fee structure as described above (i.e. a $5.00 fee for verifying five or fewer forms, a $1.00 fee for each additional form, and copies for an additional fee of $0.15) will continue to apply. Checks or money orders should be made payable to the “United States Treasury”.

Written requests and payments for FBAR filing verifications and copies of filed FBARs should be mailed to:

IRS Detroit Federal Building
Compliance Review Team
Attn.: Verification
P.O. Box 32063
Detroit, MI 48232-0063

In response to written requests, the IRS will send a letter stating whether the record shows that an FBAR was filed and if so, the date filed. If a copy of a paper-filed FBAR was requested, a copy will be included with IRS letter.

Contact Sherayzen Law Office for Professional Help with FBAR Compliance

The new FBAR filing verification process will be especially relevant in the context of offshore voluntary disclosures. Oftentimes, taxpayers do not have copies of their prior FBARs; and it is necessary to obtain these copies in order to properly calculate the penalty exposure as well as use them as evidence of non-willfulness (or find out if the IRS may use them as evidence of willfulness).

If you are required to file FBARs and you have not done so, contact Sherayzen Law Office for professional help. We have helped hundreds of US taxpayers with their FBAR compliance issues, and We Can Help You!

Contact Us Today to Schedule Your Confidential Consultation!

Offshore Accounts Tax Lawyer: Delinquent FBAR Submission

If there is anything familiar left of the old offshore voluntary disclosure landscape for an Offshore Accounts Tax Lawyer after the 2014 update to the IRS Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program (“OVDP”),  it will be the submission of delinquent FBARs under the old FAQ 17. Of course, under the new 2014 OVDP, there is no FAQ 17.

However, an Offshore Accounts Tax Lawyer will find a very similar language under the new “Delinquent FBAR Submission Procedures”.

Offshore Accounts Tax Lawyer: Old 2012 OVDP FAQ 17

Under the old 2012 OVDP FAQ 17, an Offshore Accounts Tax Lawyer would advise his U.S. clients who reported and paid tax on all their taxable income for prior years but did not file FBARs that there would be no penalties for the failure to file the delinquent FBARs. The key to the application of Q&A 17 is that there should be no underreported tax liabilities (actually, no underreported income at all) by the taxpayer and the taxpayer was not previously contacted regarding an income tax examination or a request for delinquent returns.

Offshore Accounts Tax Lawyer: New 2014 OVDP Delinquent FBAR Submission Procedure

The 2014 OVDP rules offer to an Offshore Accounts Tax Lawyer fairly similar language. They state that, where neither Streamlined Filing Compliance Procedures nor the OVDP rules are applicable because the taxpayer does not need to file delinquent or amended tax returns to report and pay additional tax, the IRS is not likely to impose penalties as long as three conditions are met:

1. The taxpayer has not filed a required Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (FBAR) (FinCEN Form 114, previously Form TD F 90-22.1);

2. The taxpayer is not under a civil examination or a criminal investigation by the IRS; and

3. The taxpayer has not already been contacted by the IRS about the delinquent FBARs.

In such case, an Offshore Accounts Tax Lawyer should advise his clients to file the delinquent FBARs according to the FBAR instructions and include a statement explaining why the FBARs are filed late. All FBARs are required to be filed electronically at FinCen (contact an Offshore Accounts Tax Lawyer for more details).

If all of these conditions are met and the taxpayer voluntary files the FBARs with an explanatory statement, the IRS promises not to impose FBAR penalties. However, an Offshore Accounts Tax Lawyer should point out to his clients that, while the FBARs will not be automatically subject to audit, there is always a possibility that these FBARs may be selected for audit through the existing audit selection processes that are in place for any tax or information return.

Offshore Accounts Tax Lawyer: Issue of Streamlined vs. Delinquent FBAR Procedure

An interesting issue arises for an Offshore Accounts Tax Lawyer where the client closed his accounts four years ago (for example, in 2010) but still would have additional tax liability for the two years prior to that for year period (in this example, 2008 and 2009). Should an Offshore Accounts Tax Lawyer advise his client to enter the Streamlined Option at this point even though the amended tax returns would show no additional tax liability for the past three years?

In reality, situations are rarely as clear cut as this example and the legal determinations with respect to the path of your voluntary disclosure must be discussed with an experienced Offshore Account Tax Lawyer, at the international tax law firm of Sherayzen Law Office.

Contact Sherayzen Law Office for Help With Your Delinquent FBARs

If you have undisclosed foreign accounts, contact Sherayzen Law Office for professional legal help. Our experienced international tax law firm specializes in Offshore Voluntary disclosures and we can provide our expert opinion with respect to every offshore voluntary disclosure option open in your case.

Contact Us to Schedule Your Confidential Consultation!