
Madison FBAR Attorney | FBAR FATCA OVDP IRS Lawyer

Do you reside in Madison and have undisclosed foreign accounts? Are you searching for a highly-knowledgeable Madison FBAR Attorney to help you resolve this situation? Then, read this essay in order to understand who is considered to be a Madison FBAR Attorney and and why you should retain the services of my firm, Sherayzen Law Office, Ltd..

Madison FBAR Attorney: Geographical Location

There is a traditional preference among people to choose an attorney who lives in their city due to perceived communication problems with an attorney outside of their city. Also, often, the fact that their attorney is local sometimes gives an illusion of a better control over the case.

This is an incorrect view when it comes to a case that involves FBARs – in reality, the geographical location of a Madison FBAR Attorney does not have any impact on the attorney’s ability to conduct your FBAR case. The reason is that FBAR is federal law; the state of Wisconsin and the city of Madison have no impact over the implementation and enforcement of FBAR. This means that the physical location of a Madison FBAR Attorney does not affect the effectiveness of his legal representation of his clients in Madison or any other city.

Furthermore, the communication issue is a mythical problem in today’s world. The development of modern communications technologies has eliminated the entire advantage of retaining a local Madison FBAR Attorney. Even if your attorney lives and works in Madison, almost your entire communication with him is going to be through email, telephone and regular mail – i.e. the same as if your attorney resides in Madison. The infrequent person-to-person meetings can now be replicated through a video Skype conference.

Finally, retaining a local Madison FBAR Attorney has no impact on the control over the case by the client. It all depends on the personality of the attorney; a good attorney would maintain control over the legal side of the case, while allowing his client to make informed choices with respect to issues that require a client’s input (such as a personal preference for a voluntary disclosure path).

All of this analysis leads us to two important conclusions. First, a Madison FBAR Attorney is any attorney, irrespective of his residence, who offers his FBAR services in Madison. Second, the geographical location should not have influence over your decision to retain a Madison FBAR Attorney; the personality and, as will be explained below, the knowledge of your attorney is what really matters.

Madison FBAR Attorney: Knowledge of International Tax Law and FBARs is the Key

We are now approaching the key consideration that you should have in retaining a Madison FBAR Attorney: his knowledge of the subject matter.

The subject matter that your Madison FBAR attorney must know should be broader than just FBARs. Rather, he should know about FBAR, the place this form occupies within the US international tax system and how FBAR interacts with other US international tax compliance requirements, such as foreign income reporting, FATCA Form 8938, Form 8621, foreign business ownership information returns, et cetera. This profound knowledge of US international tax law should also include the knowledge of remedying past noncompliance, including the various voluntary disclosure options.

Thus, FBAR issues are often highly intertwined with the rest of the US tax laws and this interaction is what will make the real impact on your tax position in the United States. This is why your Madison FBAR Attorney should be highly knowledgeable in US international tax law in general, not just FBARs.

Madison FBAR Attorney: Contact Sherayzen Law Office

We are now ready to answer the main underlying question of this essay: who should you retain if you are looking for a highly-skilled Madison FBAR Attorney? While the actual choice is ultimately personal, based on the objective criteria, Sherayzen Law Office definitely should be a top candidate in your search.

Sherayzen Law Office is a leading tax firm in the area of FBAR compliance due to profound knowledge of the subject matter and extensive experience of dealing with FBARs and related issues including foreign income reporting, FATCA compliance (Form 8938), PFIC compliance (Form 8621), Subpart F rules, all types of US international reporting returns (3520, 3520-A, 5471, 8865, 8858, 926, et cetera), US income tax returns (individual, partnership and corporate) for domestic and foreign persons and other issues.

Furthermore, Sherayzen Law Office has helped hundreds of clients with their past FBAR noncompliance. In fact, this is one of the leading international tax law firms in the world with experience in all major IRS offshore voluntary disclosure programs, including 2009 OVDP, 2011 OVDI, 2012 OVDP and the still current (as of August of 2016) 2014 OVDP.

This is why, if you are looking for a Madison FBAR Attorney, you should contact Sherayzen Law Office, Ltd. today to schedule Your Confidential Consultation!

Philadelphia FBAR Attorney | Foreign Accounts Lawyers

Are you looking for a highly-skilled Philadelphia FBAR Attorney? Then, you are among many Philadelphians who need to report their foreign accounts, but do not know how to find appropriate legal help. Often, they find the attorney that they like lives outside of Philadelphia and they are not sure if they should prefer him over local Philadelphia FBAR Attorneys. In this short article, I would like to address the issue of who is considered to be a Philadelphia FBAR Attorney and why you should retain the services of my firm, Sherayzen Law Office, Ltd. (Sherayzen Law Office).

Philadelphia FBAR Attorney: Geographical Location

From the outset, it is important to understand that the geographical location of a Philadelphia FBAR Attorney does not have any impact on the attorney’s ability to conduct your FBAR case. The reason for this statement lies in the fact that FBAR is federal law. The state of Pennsylvania and the city of Philadelphia have no influence whatsoever over the implementation and enforcement of FBAR. This means that the physical location of your Philadelphia FBAR Attorney does not affect the effectiveness of his legal representation of his clients in Philadelphia.

Furthermore, the development of modern communications technology has eliminated almost the entire advantage of retaining a local Philadelphia FBAR Attorney. Even if your attorney resides in Philadelphia, almost all of your entire communication with him is going to be through email, telephone and regular mail – i.e. the same as if your attorney resides in Minneapolis. The person-to-person meetings are now easily replaced by a video Skype conference.

All of this analysis leads us to two important conclusions. First, a Philadelphia FBAR Attorney is any attorney, irrespective of his residence, who offers his FBAR services in Philadelphia. Second, the geographical location should not have any impact on your decision to retain a Philadelphia FBAR Attorney.

Philadelphia FBAR Attorney: Knowledge of International Tax Law and FBARs is the Key

The conclusions from the first part of this essay point us now to the key consideration that you should have in retaining a Philadelphia FBAR Attorney: his knowledge of the subject matter.

What is this “subject matter”? Is it only limited to knowing the FBARs or is there something else a Philadelphia FBAR Attorney should know? Indeed, the subject matter that your attorney must know should not be limited to just how to file an FBAR. Rather, he should know about FBAR, the place this form occupies within the US international tax system and how FBAR interacts with other US international tax compliance requirements, such as foreign income reporting, Form 8938, Form 8621, foreign business ownership reporting returns (5471, 8865 and 8858), et cetera.

It is also important to understand that the FBAR issues are often highly intertwined with the rest of the US tax laws and this interaction is what will make the real impact on your tax position in the United States. This is why your Philadelphia FBAR Attorney should be highly knowledgeable in other areas of international tax law in addition to FBARs.

Philadelphia FBAR Attorney: Contact Sherayzen Law Office

We can now revert to the question we already posed at the beginning of the essay: who should you retain if you are looking for a highly-skilled Philadelphia FBAR Attorney. While the actual choice is ultimately personal, based on the objective criteria, Sherayzen Law Office should definitely occupy a top spot in your search.

Sherayzen Law Office holds a leading position in the world on FBAR compliance due to its highly-experienced international tax team, headed by its founder Attorney Eugene Sherayzen, that has been helping its clients throughout the world with FBAR and related international tax issues including foreign income reporting, FATCA compliance (Form 8938), PFIC compliance (Form 8621), Subpart F rules, all types of US tax information returns (3520, 3520-A, 5471, 8865, 8858, 926, et cetera), US income tax returns (individual, partnership and corporate) for domestic and foreign persons and other issues.

Furthermore, Sherayzen Law Office has helped hundreds of clients who are delinquent with respect to their FBAR and other US tax obligations. In fact, Sherayzen Law Office is one of the leading international tax law firms in the world with experience in all major IRS voluntary disclosure programs, including 2009 OVDP, 2011 OVDI, 2012 OVDP and 2014 OVDP now closed.

This is why, if you are looking for a Philadelphia FBAR Attorney, you should contact Sherayzen Law Office, Ltd. today to schedule Your Confidential Consultation!

Remember to File Your 2015 FBARs | FBAR Tax Attorney

On June 17, 2016, the IRS again reminded U.S. taxpayers with foreign accounts to file their 2015 FBARs by Thursday, June 30, 2016. U.S. taxpayers have to file 2015 FBARs if they had financial interest in or signatory authority (or other authority) over foreign accounts with values which, in the aggregate (i.e. all accounts added together), exceeded $10,000 at any time during the calendar year 2015. The taxpayers who satisfied the FBAR threshold, should e-file their 2015 FBARs through the BSA E-Filing System website.

It is important to note that the number of FBAR filings has grown exponentially. According to FinCEN data, on average, there has been a seventeen percent increase per year during the last five years. In fact, in 2015, FinCEN received a record high 1,163,229 of 2014 FBARs. We can reasonably expect that the number of 2015 FBARs will beat last year’s record.

The growth in the number of FBARs is mainly caused by two factors. First, the greater awareness of the FBAR requirement is due to a series of IRS legal victories against foreign banks and offshore jurisdictions, starting with 2008 UBS case through a complete destruction of the Swiss bank secrecy in the Swiss Bank Program and even more recent criminal conviction of two Caymanian banks.

Second and probably the most important reason is the implementation of the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) which requires foreign financial institutions to report foreign accounts owned by U.S. persons. Additionally, FATCA created a new filing requirement, IRS Form 8938. Unlike the FBAR, Form 8938 has to be filed with U.S. individual tax returns (the implementation of Form 8938 for business returns still has not occurred). This new requirement created a much greater awareness of the FBAR among the accountants who generally do not file FBARs for their clients due to the fact that FBARs carry criminal penalties.

Both of these factors will continue to play a great role in 2016 when the 2015 FBARs have to filed. Additionally, by June 30, a much greater of foreign banks will have delivered FATCA letters, further promoting FBAR awareness among U.S. persons who have to file 2015 FBARs.

Contact Sherayzen Law Office for FBAR Help

If you have undisclosed foreign accounts for which delinquent FBARs have to be filed or you need help with determining what needs to be filed for 2015 FBAR, contact the experienced international tax law firm of Sherayzen Law Office. Our talented team of tax professionals, headed by a highly-experienced FBAR tax attorney, Mr. Eugene Sherayzen, has helped hundreds of U.S. taxpayers around the world and we can help you!

Contact Us Today to Schedule Your Confidential Consultation!

Foreign Inheritance FBAR Reporting | FBAR Lawyer

Foreign Inheritance FBAR Reporting is one of the most common issues among U.S. taxpayers with foreign parents, uncles, aunts, siblings and other relatives. The issue discussed in this article is not reporting foreign inheritance itself (although this is an important concern which I already addressed in other articles), but whether FBAR needs to be filed upon the receipt of a foreign inheritance. Let’s explore this subject in more detail.

Foreign Inheritance FBAR Reporting: What is FBAR?

The Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts, officially now called FinCEN Form 114 and also known as “FBAR”, is one of the main U.S. international tax requirements for reporting bank and financial accounts overseas. FBAR should be filed by every U.S. tax resident who has foreign financial accounts the aggregate value of which exceeds $10,000 at any time during the calendar year. The aggregate value should be calculated on all foreign bank and financial accounts in which this U.S. tax resident has financial interest or over which he has signatory or other authority.

The 2015 FBAR must be received by the IRS by June 30, 2016 without any extension possible; however, starting the reporting for the calendar year 2016 (i.e. 2016 FBAR) the FBARs are due on April 15 (an extension is possible).

Foreign Inheritance FBAR Reporting: Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts

A foreign inheritance may be received by a U.S. heir in a great variety of forms: cash, bank accounts, investments, business ownership, real estate, a foreign trust beneficiary interest, jewelry, art, intellectual property, et cetera. For the FBAR reporting purposes, it is important to understand exactly what the U.S. heir in inheriting.

Foreign Inheritance FBAR reporting becomes relevant when a U.S. heir receives either financial interest in or signatory (or other) authority over any foreign bank and financial accounts. It is important to emphasize that, no matter how brief is this financial interest or signatory authority, the foreign inheritance FBAR reporting will come into play as long as the aggregate value of all accounts exceeds $10,000.

I often see that U.S. heirs would set up foreign accounts in which foreign inheritance is deposited and they would believe that such accounts would not be reportable because they are simply depositing foreign inheritance. This is incorrect – as soon as foreign accounts are involved, foreign inheritance FBAR reporting considerations immediately become relevant whether these are inherited foreign accounts or accounts which are set up to receive the inheritance.

Contact Foreign Inheritance FBAR Lawyer for Professional Help

If you received a foreign inheritance, you need to contact Sherayzen Law Office as soon as possible for professional help. Mr. Sherayzen has successfully advised hundreds of U.S. taxpayers with respect to U.S. tax compliance foreign inheritance issues. He can help You!

Contact Us Today to Schedule Your Confidential Consultation!