
Minnesota LLC Formation III: Articles of Organization

In the first two parts of the series, I have mentioned more than once that the Articles of Organization is the key document for LLC formation.

LLC is formed by filing the Articles of Organization with the Office of the Minnesota Secretary of State. The Articles become effective on filing and payment of the $160 (current as of the year 2010) filing fee. Once the Articles are filed and the fee is paid, it is presumed that all conditions precedent have been complied with and the LLC has been organized. The Office of the Secretary of State would then issue a Certificate of Organization to the LLC.

Office of the Minnesota Secretary of State offers a standard fill-in Articles of Organization form which sets out the required elements that must be included in the Articles. What is important to understand is that the Articles may include other elements in addition to what is included in the standard form. I will discuss here the required as well as some of the most important additional provisions that may be included in the Articles by a Minnesota business lawyer.

Required Provisions

Pursuant to Minn. Stat. §322B.115 Subd. 1, the following provisions must be included in the Articles of Organization:

a). Name of the LLC (see specific name requirements in the second part of this series);

b). Address of the Registered Office of the LLC. Note that Minnesota Secretary of State will only accept a Minnesota address. The address should include: street address (or rural route and rural route box number), city, state, and zip code. P.O. Box will not be accepted;

c). Name of the LLC’s Registered Agent (if any);

d). Name and address of each organizer; and

e). A statement of the period of existence for the limited liability company if the LLC is not to have perpetual existence.

Optional Provisions

Minn. Stat. §322B.115 contains a lengthy list of additional provisions that can be modified by and included in the Articles of Organization. Note, that all of these provisions may also be modified by the Member Control Agreement, but only some of the additional powers and rights may be modified in the Bylaws.

The most common provisions included by Minnesota business lawyers in the Articles of Organization are: provision for approval of the transfer of governance rights, denial of cumulative voting, denial of preemptive rights, written action without a meeting, limitations on the liability of governors, and a general statement of purposes and powers. Often, a provision stating that the LLC shall have perpetual existence is included in the Articles. It is not necessary, though, to list in the Articles the powers already granted to an LLC by the Minnesota Limited Liability Company Act

It is also important to point out that the Articles of Organization may contain these additional provisions as long as they are not inconsistent with law.


Sherayzen Law Office can help you determine which additional provisions need to be included in the Articles of Organization, draft the Articles and properly file them with the Minnesota Secretary of State.