Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act

Ukrainian FATCA Agreement Authorized for Signature

On November 9, 2016, the Ukrainian government authorized the Ukrainian FATCA Agreement for signature. Let’s explore this new development in more depth.

Ukrainian FATCA Agreement and FATCA Background

The Ukrainian FATCA Agreement is one of the many bilateral FATCA implementation agreements signed by the great majority of jurisdictions around the world. The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) was enacted into law in 2010 and quickly became the new standard for international tax information exchange.

FATCA is extremely complex, but its core purpose is very clear – increased US international tax compliance (with higher revenue collection) by imposing new reporting requirements on US taxpayers and especially foreign financial institutions (FFIs). Since FFIs are not US taxpayers, the United States has been working with foreign governments to enforce FATCA through negotiation and implementation of FATCA treaties. The Ukrainian FATCA Agreement is just one more example of these bilateral treaties.

Ukrainian FATCA Agreement is a Model 1 FATCA Agreement

There are two types of FATCA treaties – Model 1 and Model 2. Model 2 FATCA treaty requires FFIs to individually enter into a FFI Agreement with the IRS to report the required FATCA information directly to the IRS (for example, Switzerland signed a Model 2 treaty).

On the other hand, Model 1 treaty requires FFIs in the “partner country” (i.e. the country that signed a Model 1 FATCA agreement) to report the required FATCA information regarding US accounts to the local tax authorities. Then, the tax authorities of the partner country share this information with the IRS.

The Ukrainian FATCA Agreement is a Model 1 FATCA Agreement.

When will the Ukrainian FATCA Agreement Enter into Force?

The Ukrainian FATCA Agreement will enter into force once Ukraine notifies the US government that it has completed all of the necessary internal procedures for the ratification of the Agreement.

What is the Impact of Ukranian FATCA Agreement on Noncompliant US Taxpayers?

The implementation of the Ukrainian FATCA Agreement will mean that the Ukrainian government will force its FFIs to identify all of the FATCA information regarding their US accountholders and share this information with US government.

This further means that any US taxpayers who are currently noncompliant with the US tax reporting requirements (such as FBAR, Form 8938, foreign income reporting, et cetera) are now at an ever increasing risk of detection by the IRS and the imposition of draconian IRS penalties.

Contact Sherayzen Law Office for Help With US Tax Compliance in light of the Ukrainian FATCA Agreement

If you have undisclosed Ukrainian assets (including Ukrainian bank accounts) and Ukrainian foreign income, contact Sherayzen Law Office for help as soon as possible. We have helped hundreds of US taxpayers around the globe (including Ukrainians) to bring their US tax affairs in order and we can help you!

FATCA PFIC Reporting | International Tax Attorney

FATCA PFIC Reporting is an important feature in today’s U.S. tax compliance. In this article, I will focus on the explanation of the FATCA PFIC Reporting requirement for U.S. shareholders of a PFIC.

FATCA PFIC Reporting: FATCA Background

The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (“FATCA”) is contained in Chapters 1471–1474 of the Internal Revenue Code (“IRC”) as enacted into law by section 501(a) of the Hiring Incentives to Restore Employments (HIRE) Act 2010. FATCA was enacted specifically to combat offshore tax evasion by US persons with secret foreign accounts.

There are two large parts of FATCA. The first part concerns only foreign financial institutions (FFIs). Under FATCA, the FFIs are now required to identify US accountholders and report their accounts to the IRS. The second part of FATCA requires US taxpayers to report their foreign assets and foreign income on Form 8938, which is filed with the taxpayers’ US tax return.

This article is mostly concerned with the FATCA PFIC reporting on Form 8938.

FATCA PFIC Reporting: PFIC Background

A Passive Foreign Investment Company, commonly known as PFIC, is one of the most complex tax designations in the United States. The annual tax compliance for PFICs (especially default Section 1291 PFICs) can be tremendously burdensome. Furthermore, distributions and capital gains from PFICs may be subject to a much higher PFIC income tax (and PFIC interest on the PFIC tax).

A PFIC is any foreign corporation that falls within the definition of IRC Section 1297(a), which states that a foreign corporation is a PFIC if: “(1) 75 percent or more of the gross income of such corporation for the taxable year is passive income, or (2) the average percentage of assets (as determined in accordance with subsection (e)) held by such corporation during the taxable year which produce passive income or which are held for the production of passive income is at least 50 percent.” Foreign mutual funds is one of the most common examples of PFICs; however, other companies may also fall within the scope of the IRC Section 1297(a).

If a U.S. taxpayer has PFICs, he is required to file Form 8621 “Information Return by a Shareholder of a Passive Foreign Investment Company or Qualified Electing Fund”. A separate form 8621 should be filed for each PFIC (often, it is more convenient to file a separate Form 8621 for various blocks of the same PFIC; however, one needs to make sure that the same identification number is provided on each Form 8621 filed for the same PFIC).

FATCA PFIC Reporting: Relationship Between Form 8938 and Form 8621

In general, the FATCA foreign financial asset reporting on Form 8938 overlaps with the PFIC reporting obligation on Form 8621, but the relationship between the two forms is fairly clear. If forms 8621 must be filed (and, since 2013, this is pretty much always the case for PFICs), then the PFICs do not need to be reported on Form 8938. The number of forms 8621 must still be specified on Form 8938.

It is also important to remember that PFICs must still be disclosed on FBARs even if they are reported on Forms 8621 and 8938.

Contact Sherayzen Law Office for Help with FATCA PFIC Reporting

PFIC calculations themselves are some of the most complex requirements in the IRC. FATCA PFIC reporting further complicates the already difficult issues surrounding PFICs. It is very easy to make mistakes which result in the imposition of high IRS penalties. The correction of these mistakes will also likely result in additional legal fees.

This is why you need to secure the help of an experienced international tax law firm as early as possible and Sherayzen Law Office is the perfect fit. We have helped numerous US taxpayers around the world with their FATCA PFIC matters and we can help you.

Contact Us Today to Schedule Your Confidential Consultation!

Poland AEOI Rules Still Not Implemented | FATCA Lawyers

On September 29, 2016, the European Commission announced that it had asked Poland to fully implement into its domestic law Council Directive 2014/107/EU on mutual assistance in income and capital taxation matters (which amends the earlier Directive 2011/16/EU on mandatory automatic exchange of information between member states). The request came in after the realization that Poland AEOI Rules were still not implemented despite the deadline.

Poland AEOI Rules Implementation, CRS and Council Directive 2014/107/EU

After the United States adopted Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) into law, the OECD (including the European Union) created the Common Reporting Standard (CRS) which established the standard for what type of information needs to be automatically exchanged between signatory countries. AEOI is essentially the practical application of the CRS.

In December 2014, the EU Council adopted Directive 2014/107/EU, which extended cooperation between tax authorities to automatic exchange of financial account information (i.e. AEOI) and expanded the scope of information to be exchanged on an automatic basis to include interest, dividends, and other types of income. Virtually all countries, except Poland and Portugal, have implemented the directive on AEOI

The Delays in Poland AEOI Rules Implementation

In reality, Poland, like other member states, were requires to implement the directive into their national laws by January 1. According to Tax Analysts, the European Commission already sent a formal notice to Poland on January 27, 2016. Then, it send another formal notice in March of 2016. At that time, Poland replied that the government was working on transposing Directive 2014/107/EU into national law.

However, Poland AEOI Rules still have not been implemented. What is worse, it appears that the Polish government has taken no concrete steps into that direction. Poland also has yet to fully inform the Commission of its plans to meet that requirement.

What Happens if Poland AEOI Rules Implementation Stalls

While the latest Commission action comes at a difficult time in Poland (on September 28, 2016, Polish Prime Minister Beata Szydlo sacked Finance Minister Pawel Szalamacha), it may not save Poland from later EU actions. If Poland does not respond in a satisfactory manner within the next two months, the Commission may refer Poland to the Court of Justice of the European Union.

Boston FATCA Lawyer

Often, people are searching for a Boston FATCA lawyer without a clear definition of who a Boston FATCA lawyer is. Indeed, who is a Boston FATCA Lawyer? Just a lawyer who resides in Boston or can a lawyer who resides outside of Boston qualify as a Boston FATCA lawyer? Is it any lawyer or only an international tax lawyer? Do all international tax lawyers qualify as a Boston FATCA lawyer?

Boston FATCA Lawyer Definition: Physical Residence Does Not Matter

Let’s first resolve the issue of physical residence. Here, we find that there are two types of lawyers who can qualify as a Boston FATCA Lawyer. First, a lawyer who resides and works in the city of Boston; this is logical and does not need further explanation.

Second, a Boston FATCA lawyer can also be a lawyer who resides outside of Boston, but who has clients in Boston. There are two reasons for this statement. First, the enormous improvements in modern communication technologies eliminated for all practical purposes the difference between a Boston FATCA lawyer who resides in Boston and a Boston FATCA lawyer who resides outside of Boston. The logistical ability of lawyers who reside outside of Boston to advise (with respect to FATCA) and prepare documents for their clients who live in Boston is virtually the same.

The second reason for why a lawyer who resides outside of Boston can still be considered as a Boston FATCA lawyer is the fact that FATCA is a federal law that concerns US international tax compliance; there is no special relationship between Boston and FATCA.  FATCA applies to all US taxpayers equally, not just US taxpayers who reside in Boston.  The logical extension of this statement is that the lawyers who practice in this area of law are able to provide their services with respect to FATCA irrespective of their residence.  This means that a lawyer in Boston has no inherent advantage over a lawyer who resides outside of Boston, because there is simply no local legal Bostonian addition to FATCA.

Boston FATCA Lawyer Definition: a FATCA Lawyer is an International Tax Lawyer

Not every lawyer qualifies as a Boston FATCA lawyer; in fact, very few lawyers qualify for this title because this is a very narrow specialty. A Boston FATCA lawyer is an international tax lawyer who is knowledgeable about FATCA, foreign accounts voluntary disclosure and the US international tax system in general.

The knowledge of US international tax requirements is highly important for a FATCA Lawyer. Many clients do not initially understand that FATCA is merely a part of a much larger network of international tax laws of the United States. The interaction of these laws with FATCA is what has an actual impact on the tax position of a US taxpayer. This is why it is highly important for a FATCA Lawyer to know not only FATCA itself, but also the entire US international tax law system.

Contact Sherayzen Law Office If You Are Looking for a FATCA Lawyer

If you are looking for a Boston FATCA Lawyer, you should contact Sherayzen Law Office, Ltd. – an international tax law firm that specializes in FATCA compliance, offshore voluntary disclosures of foreign accounts (and other foreign assets) and US international tax issues in general.  While based in Minneapolis, Sherayzen Law Office has provided its services to hundreds of clients throughout the world with respect to their FBAR and FATCA compliance, including correcting past US tax compliance through Streamlined Domestic Offshore Procedures, Streamlined Foreign Offshore Procedures, Delinquent FBAR Submission Procedures, Delinquent International Information Return Submission Procedures and Reasonable Cause (Noisy) Disclosures.

Contact Us Today to Schedule Your Confidential Consultation!

Seattle FATCA Lawyers

There are two definitions of who qualifies to be Seattle FATCA lawyers. First, Seattle FATCA lawyers are lawyers who are work in Seattle and who specialize in helping U.S. taxpayers and/or foreign financial institutions with FATCA compliance.

The second type of international tax attorneys who can qualify as Seattle FATCA lawyers became possible as a result of the development of modern communication technologies. These are the lawyers who reside outside of Seattle (e.g. in Minneapolis) and help clients who live and work in Seattle, Washington. Sherayzen Law Office is a good example of such Seattle FATCA lawyers – the firm’s founder, Mr. Sherayzen resides in Minneapolis but provides FATCA-related services to his clients in Seattle.

The residence of Seattle FATCA lawyers does not matter due to the fact that FATCA is federal law and any international tax lawyer who is licensed to practice in any of the fifty states of the United States can help his clients wherever they reside. Modern technologies (such as Internet, email, video Skype conference, et cetera) allow a Minneapolis lawyer to provide at least the same quality of service in Seattle as other Seattle FATCA lawyers. The necessary documents are usually supplied via email, flash drives (or other similar digital storage devices) and regular mail.  If a document needs to contain an original signature (e.g. amended tax return), then it is sent to client either by email or mail, the client signs the document at his home without the need of going to the lawyer’s office then mails it back to his lawyer.

The quality that should really matter to clients who are looking for Seattle FATCA lawyers is that their lawyers have deep knowledge of FATCA, foreign accounts disclosure and the U.S. international tax law in general. The knowledge of U.S. international tax compliance obligations is especially important for Seattle FATCA lawyers, because FATCA is merely a part (though, a very important part) of a much larger set of U.S. international tax laws. All of these laws are related to each other and their interaction creates real tax consequences for U.S. taxpayers, including those who reside in Seattle. This is why it is important for Seattle FATCA lawyers to know the entire U.S. tax structure, not just FATCA itself.

Contact Sherayzen Law Office If You Are Looking for Seattle FATCA lawyers

If you are looking for Seattle FATCA lawyers, contact Sherayzen Law Office, Ltd., an international tax law firm that specializes in FATCA compliance, offshore voluntary disclosures and U.S. international tax compliance in general.

Contact Us Today to Schedule Your Confidential Consultation!